
    add -- Open a new file to add it to the depot

    p4 add [ -c changelist# ] [ -t filetype ] file ...

	Open a new file for adding to the depot.  If the file exists
	on the client it is read to determine if it is text or binary.
	If it does not exist it is assumed to be text.  The file must
	either not exist in the depot, or it must be deleted at the
	current head revision.  Files may be deleted and re-added.

	If the -c flag is given the open files are associated with the
	specified pending changelist number; otherwise the open files are
	associated with the default changelist.

	If file is already open it is moved into the specified pending
	changelist.  It is not permissible to reopen a file for add unless
	it was already open for add.

	If -t filetype is given the file is explicitly opened as that
	filetype.  Otherwise, the filetype is determined by the file
	name-to-type mapping table managed by 'p4 typemap'.  If the file
	name is not mapped in that table, 'p4 add' senses the filetype
	by examining the file's contents and execution permission bits.
	See p4 help filetypes for a complete list.