
    typemap -- Modify the file name-to-type mapping table

    p4 typemap
    p4 typemap -o
    p4 typemap -i

	'p4 typemap' edits a name-to-type mapping table for p4 add 
        which consults the table to select a file's filetype based on
	its name.

	The typemap form has a single entry 'TypeMap', followed by any
	number of typemap lines.  Each typemap line contains a filetype
	and a depot file path pattern:

	Filetype:   See p4 help filetypes for a list of valid filetypes.

	Path:       Names to be mapped to the filetype.  This is a file
		    pattern and may be an exclusion mapping (-pattern)
		    to exclude files.  Note to match all files anywhere
		    in the depot hierarchy, the pattern must begin with
		    //..., and to match any file with a given suffix you
		    must either specify '//.../*.suffix' or '//....suffix'
		    (four dots).

	As with all mappings, later entries override earlier entries.
	If no matching entry is found in the table, p4 add senses the
	file's filetype by examining the file's contents and execution
	permission bits.

	The -o flag causes the typemap table to be written
	to the standard output.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	The -i flag causes the typemap table to be read from the
	standard input.  The user's editor is not invoked.

	'p4 typemap' requires superuser access granted by p4 protect


TypeMap: text //....java text //....properties text //....jsp text //....htm text //....html binary+l //....gif binary+l //....jpeg binary+l //....jpg binary+l //....png binary+l //....psd binary+l //....pdf binary+l //....doc binary+l //....xls binary+l //....rtf binary+l //....ppt binary+l //....vsd binary+l //....vst binary+l //....jar binary+l //....war binary+l //....ear binary+l //....zip binary+S //depot/release*/.../*.jar binary+S //depot/release*/.../*.war binary+S //depot/release*/.../*.ear binary+S //depot/release*/.../*.zip binary+Sl //depot/lib*/...