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At the end of the Check User Path process, the Details tab is displayed containing the statistics for the User Path that has just been checked.

The Details tab includes the following information:

The Details tab displays other statistics according to the item selected in the tree view: Transaction, Page, Request, or (Logical) Action.


When a Container is selected in the Check Virtual User tree view, the Details tab lists statistics about that Container.


The summary includes the following information:


When a page is selected in the User Path tree view, the Details tab lists statistics about that page.

The summary includes the following information:


When a request is selected in the User Path tree view, the Details tab lists statistics about that request.

For each request, a detailed analysis can be made on the request sent by NeoLoad, the server response and any assertions. To do this, it is only required to click on the request in the table and select the detail to be displayed (Request, Response, Assertions, and Variables) in the Details group box.

The summary includes the following information:

The Open in browser button displays a selected server response in a browser window. In this case, NeoLoad opens a browser that displays the page containing the server response returned during the checking process. This allows previewing the page itself, rather than viewing the HTML source code. Images are not displayed during this preview, as only the HTML code for the current request is sent to the browser.

The Compare with recording button is useful to compare the request and server response with those recorded. See requests and responses" href="966.htm">Compare requests and responses.

The Save as button allows recording the content of a request or a response displayed in the Details group box for further analysis.

Logical Actions

When a logical action is selected in the Check Virtual User tree view, the Details tab lists statistics about that logical action.


The tab displays all the information about the configuration of the selected conditional structure. See Logical actions.
