group modify

Changes an existing group by adding or changing a group description, adding members to the group, or removing members from the group.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use.

group modify group_name add user

group modify group_name add (user_1 user_2 [... user_n])

group modify group_name description description

group modify group_name remove user

group modify group_name remove (user_1 user_2 [... user_n])


Return codes


  • The following example adds three new users to the engineering group:
    pdadmin sec_master> group modify engineering add ("Mary Jones" dsmith mlucaser)

  • The following example deletes three existing users from the engineering group:
    pdadmin sec_master> group modify engineering remove ("Mary Jones"
    dlucas mlucaser)

  • The following example changes the description of the credit group:
    pdadmin sec_master> group modify credit description "Credit, Dept HCUS"

    See also

    group create
    group import

    Parent topic: pdadmin commands