user list

Lists users by ISAM user name or by registry identifier.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use.

user list pattern max_return

user list-dn pattern max_return


When the user registry contains many user definitions, use wildcard characters with discretion. When a pattern includes one or more wildcard characters, the command attempts to find all user definitions that match the specified pattern. However, the command displays only the specified number of matching definitions in the user registry.

For example, if the user registry contains 10,000 definitions, specifying a single wildcard (user list * 100) displays only the first 100 matching definitions but finds all 10,000 definitions.

Return codes


  • The following example lists the users that match the specified registry identifier:
    pdadmin sec_master> user list-dn *luca* 2
    The output is like:
    cn=Diana Lucas,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=US
    cn=Mike Lucaser,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=US

    See also

    user show

    Parent topic: pdadmin commands