Cloning a POP

We can clone a POP only with the Web Portal Manager.


  1. Use Web Portal Manager to log on to the domain as a domain administrator.

  2. Click POP > List POP.

  3. From the Manage POPs page, select the POP we want to clone.

  4. From the POP Properties page, click Clone.

  5. From the Clone POP page, in the POP Name text field, type the name of the POP. For example, type Test-POP. Default is the name of the original POP with the prefix Clone. This field is required.

  6. Optional: In the Description text field, type the description of the POP. For example, type Clone of new POP. Default is the description of the original POP.

  7. Click Clone.

If successful, a link for this cloned POP is created and a success message is displayed.

Parent topic: Manage protected object policies