Deleting accounts
If you no longer need an account for a managed resource, you can delete the account. Removing unnecessary accounts facilitates account management.
The list of accounts displays only the individual accounts. Use Search to find sponsored accounts.
If the list of accounts does not include an account that we expected to see, we might not have permission to delete it. Contact the system administrator.
- On the IBM Security Identity Manager Home page, in My Access, click Delete Account.
A list of our individual accounts is displayed.
- If we do not find the account you want on the Delete Account page, click Search.
- Select the ownership type.
We can search only one ownership type at a time. The provisioning policy for the account type governs the available ownership types.
- Optional: Type a user ID search string.
Specifying a user ID search string limits the search to accounts that contain the search string. For example, type smith in the field. The filter limits the search to user IDs that contain the string smith, such as smithj, bsmith, or dsmithson. If we do not specify anything in the field or specify an asterisk (*) the default behavior searches all user IDs.
- Select a service type.
A service type is also called a profile. We can limit our search to a specific service type, such as an LDAP, AIX, or manual type service. The All selection searches the available service types on the system.
- Optional: Accept the preselected Account Type or click Organizational Unit to change the Search By option.
- Enter the search information in the Search By field.
Select Account Type searches for accounts associated with that account type that contain the search string. Selecting Organizational Unit searches for account associated with all account types under all the organizational units that contain the search string. If we do not specify anything in the field or specify an asterisk (*) the default behavior searches all account types or organizational units.
- Click Search
The results table displays all the account types that match the search criteria up to the search.limit. If the search results exceed the search.limit, you must further limit the scope of the search and search again.
- On the Delete Account page or on the Search for Accounts page, click the account type that you want to delete.
We can only delete one account at a time.
- On the Delete Account Confirmation page, verify to delete the listed account, and click Delete Account.
- On the Request Submitted page, review the request. Make note of the request number assigned to the request.
- To perform another task, click a link in the Related Tasks section.
We can
- View the status of the requests.
- Delete another account.
- Return to the IBM Security Identity Manager Home page to perform other operations.
Parent topic: My Access