The properties of the file control the behavior of the REST interfaces that are included in IBM Security Identity Manager. Administrators can update the properties in the file to modify the behavior of certain aspects of the REST interfaces. To avoid performance issues, any changes that you make to the parameters in must be thoroughly tested before applying them to a production environment.
baseUri Base for the URIs returned from the REST interfaces. If not specified, the REST interfaces use the base URIs from the HTTP request.
enforceCRSetupOnLogin Specifies whether to enforce the challenge response questions when the user first logs on to the client application. This property and value is returned in the response for the following REST API call. GET http(s)://hostname:port/itim/rest/password/configuration?attributes=enforceCRSetupOnLogin
If not specified, the REST API returns false.
search.limit Maximum number of items returned by the REST search APIs. The REST search APIs attempt to retrieve no more than the specified number of items plus one. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that there is no limit.
The limit of accesses returned by a search is determined by a separate property search.limit.access.
search.limit.access Maximum number of accesses returned by the REST access search API. The REST access search API attempts to retrieve no more than the specified number of accesses plus one. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that there is no limit.
search.limit.activities Maximum number of activities returned by the REST activity search API. The REST activity search API attempts to retrieve no more than the specified number of activities plus one. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that there is no limit.
participant.limit Maximum number of participants that are assigned to the activity returned by a search or a retrieval of activities. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that there is no limit.
search.pagesize Maximum number of items that are included in each page when the REST search APIs perform paged searching. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that REST search APIs do not perform paged searching.
search.queryfilter.allowedHiddenAttributes List of hidden attributes, (specified in file) that are allowed in filter query parameters. The value must be in lowercase, and separated by a comma. For example: erlastmodifiedtime,ercategory.
search.cache.enabled Whether the REST search APIs cache search results to satisfy subsequent request that specify the same search criteria.
search.cache.limit Maximum number of searches for which results are cached for each client. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that there is no limit. This parameter is ignored if search.cache.enabled=false is specified.
search.cache.timeout Number of seconds that search results remain cached for each client since the last time the client issued a request with the same search criteria. Specifying a value of 0 indicates that the search results remain cached until the client's HTTP session times out. This parameter is ignored if search.cache.enabled=false is specified.
activity.duedate.threshold Time in hours. If the due date is approaching within this threshold limit, it is flagged in the activity summary and detail pages. The activity card and activity due date are flagged.
Parent topic: Supplemental property files