Select a different user or set of access rights after a request flow is initiated

Use the Request Access page to select a user and request one or more accesses from the unified catalog of access options. We can customize requirements by changing a user or access selection.

The system configuration, such as access catalog information and provisioning policies, affects how we select the users and access rights in this flow.

Follow the organization process for any operations or permissions to verify the request is valid.

We can change a user or access selection even after providing the required information for an earlier access request.

  1. From the Identity Service Center Home page, click Request Access.

  2. On the Select user page, select a user.

    The Select accesses page opens to display the access options the selected user is entitled and allowed to see.

    If we return to the Select user page to change the user, a message shows. It informs use that we lose any access selected in the Select accesses page. The message provides us with an option to discard or retain the access for the user.

    If we click Yes on the message, the selected access rights on the Select accesses page are discarded..

    If we click No on the message, the user change is discarded.

  3. On the Select accesses page, select one or more access rights for the user.

    The Request summary field displays an updated summary about the selected user, access rights, errors, warnings, or information messages about the access selections.

  4. Click Next or select Provide required information from the workflow sequence map at the top of the page.

  5. Enter a justification for the request. We can provide the account form information, passwords, and other information. For non-compliant values or validation errors in any Identity Service Center console fields, click outside the field or tab to view or display the updated hover or hint text.

  6. Click Submit.

View the confirmation and status for the submitted request in the View requests page. We can also bookmark the page to revisit it later.

Parent topic: Identity Service Center scenarios