incr_data_synch command

The Incremental Data Synchronizer utility provides fast synchronization of data and access control item between the directory server that IBM Security Identity Manager uses and ISIM database.

The Incremental Data Synchronizer synchronizes staged reporting data (entities and attributes) and corresponding access control item information for the data..

It manages incremental changes to the data and does the synchronization task only on the changed data. By propagating only the changes since the last synchronization task was done, the Incremental Data Synchronizer can update the staged reporting data quickly.



Show options for the incr_data_synch utility.

At the isimvasvr:utilities prompt, enter incr_data_synch.

To enable changelogs for your version of IBM Security Directory Server, look for Change log management for a directory server instance in the IBM Security Directory Server product documentation. To manage incremental data sync, select option number to start, view status, or stop the service at the isimvasrv:incr_data_sync prompt. When sync starts, data synchronizes continuously until the stop command is executed manually.


Parent topic: utilities commands