T_AccessCatalog table
The T_AccessCatalog4 table stores information about the access, including name, description, category, badge, and search terms. The access information is displayed in the Request Access user interface in the Identity Service Center.
Column Name Description Data type entity_id* The unique identifier of the access. Big integer entity_type* The entity type of the access. Supported access types are:
- 1: Service
- 2: Group
- 3: Role
Small integer name*^ Access name. Character (255) description^ Access description. Character (2000) view_option Indicates whether access is enabled in Request Access and whether it is a common requested access: Common access is used only in Access Request in the self-service console and administrative console; it is not supported in the Identity Service Center.
- 1: Access Disabled
- 2: Enabled
- 3: Enabled as common access
Small integer Category Access category. Character (1000) icon_url The URL of the icon of the access. This icon is displayed when the user searches for the access in the Identity Service Center. Character (255) additionalinfo^ Additional information about the access. This information is displayed in the access card when the user searches for the access in the Identity Service Center. Character (2000) * Indicates that the column is required and not null.
^ Indicates that the column is associated with a generated lowercase column with name L_columnName. Use this column if the search is not case sensitive.
4 Indicates that the table is added in ISIM
Parent topic: Access catalog tables and views