The AUDIT_MGMT_OBLIGATION_ATTRIB table contains information about attributes of the obligations. These obligations are related to Access Management, Person Management, and Account Management that are submitted through the administrative console, Self-service user interface, and the Identity Service Center user interface. The AUDIT_MGMT_OBLIGATION_ATTRIB table contains the following columns.

Column name Column description Data type
EVENT_ID* Identifier that is assigned to this event. References AUDIT_EVENT (ID) Numeric
OBLIGATION_ID* Identifier of the obligation to which the resources are related. Numeric
ATTRIBUTE_NAME* Name of an attribute associated to the obligation. Character (225)
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE* Data value of an attribute associated to the obligation. Character (4000)
ATTRIBUTE_PREVIOUS_VALUE Previously stored data value of an attribute associated to the obligation before an edit action. Character (4000)
SEQUENCE_NO* A generated numerical value that starts at 1 and increments by 1. It enables the persistence of an attribute name with multiple attribute values. SMALLINT

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

Parent topic: Person management

Parent topic: Access request management

Parent topic: Account management