The RECERTIFICATIONLOG1 table stores recertification policy audit information for account and access recertification policies. This table is used by the Recertification History report. Each row in the table represents the recertification of a single account or access.

Column Name Description Data type
PROCESS_ID* The workflow process ID associated with this recertification. Primary key with ACTIVITY_ID. Numeric
ACTIVITY_ID* The workflow approval activity ID associated with this recertification. Primary key with PROCESS_ID. Numeric
ENTITY_DN The DN of the entity is being recertified (DN of account). Character (255)
ACCESS_DN The DN of the access group definition (if access recertification). Character (255)
ACCOUNT_ID The user ID of the account that is being recertified. Character (100)
ACCOUNT_OWNER_NAME Full name of the owner of the account or access that is being recertified. Character (100)
ACCOUNT_OWNER DN of the owner of the account or access that is being recertified. Character (255)
ACCESS_NAME The access name of the access that is being recertified. Character (100)
ACCESS_TYPE The access type of the access that is being recertified, for example, shared folder or application. Character (100)
TYPE* Access or Account recertification. Valid values for this column are:

Account (AT.

Access (AS.

Character (2)
SERVICE DN of the service instance to which the account or access that is being recertified belongs. Character (255)
SERVICE_NAME The name of the service instance to which the account or access that is being recertified belongs. Character (100)
SERVICE_PROFILE The name of the service type to which the service instance belongs. Character (100)
PARTICIPANT DN of the person who did the recertification. Character (255)
PARTICIPANT_NAME The full name of the person who did the recertification. Character (100)
PARTICIPANT_ID The Service user ID of the person who did the recertification. Character (100)
RECERT_RESULT The action taken on the approval node in the recertification task. Valid values for this column are as follows:

Approved (AA.

Rejected (RR.

Abort (AO.

Timeout – no response (TO.

Pending – no response yet, but the request has more time (PE.

Character (2)
ACTION The action taken on the account/access due to the preceding RECERT_RESULT attribute. Valid values for this column are:

Certified (CY.

Rejected – Marked (MK.

Rejected – Suspended (SD.

Rejected – Deleted (DE.

Administrator override – certified (AR.

Character (2)
COMMENTS Text provided by participant of recertification. It might be comments on approval or justification text of override. Character (2000)
STARTED Timestamp when recertification started for this account or access. Character (50)
COMPLETED Timestamp when recertification completed for this account or access. Character (50)
RECERT_SUMMARY Process result summary for this recertification. It is the result summary of the recertification process in general. Valid values are:

Success (SS.

Warning (SW.

Failed (SF.

Character (2)
TENANT DN of the tenant Character (255)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

1 Indicates the column or the value is added in release 5.0.

Parent topic: Recertification policy tables