Attribute name Description Enter erServiceName The display name for service instances. This attribute is required. directory string erDSMLFileName The name of a DSML file stored on disk. directory string erUseWorkflow A Boolean flag used on a DSMLInfoService to indicate that people are to be processed by the workflow engine. Boolean erUid An identifier used to uniquely identify a user of a service. directory string erPassword A password used to authenticate a user. binary erPlacementRule A script fragment that defines the location of the user in the organization chart. binary erproperties Defines protocol and behavior properties for service profiles. directory string erprotocolmappings Service attributes that must be used in messages sent to managed resources. directory string erserviceproviderfactory Defines the name of the Java™ class for creating the ServiceProvider used to communicate with the managed resource. directory string erxforms Defines transforms for IBM Security Identity Manager adapters. binary erEvaluateSoD1 Indication if the separation of duty policy is to be evaluated when workflow is used for the feed. Boolean 1 Indicates the attribute is added in release 5.1.
Parent topic: Service classes