This table stores the parsed entitlements of various provisioning policies in ISIM system. This table does not have a primary key constraint.

Column Name Description Data type
DN* The DN of the provisioning policy or this entitlement. Character (255)
TYPE* Enter of the entitlement. The possible values are:

0 represents a manual entitlement.

1 represents an automatic entitlement.

Character (255)
SERVICETARGETTYPE The service target type for this entitlement. This column can have various values that represent a service profile, a service instance, all services, or a service selection policy. Character (255)
SERVICETARGETNAME If the service type represents a specific service instance, then this column contains the DN of the service instance. Character (255)
PROCESSDN The DN of the associated workflow process, if any. Character (255)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

Parent topic: Reports tables