inetOrgPerson identity feed

The inetOrgPerson identity feed supports LDAP directory server with the RFC2798 (inetOrgPerson LDAP objectclass). This feed uses a directory resource as the source for the feed. This identity feed loads all inetOrgPerson objects under a specified base. Records that do not have objectclass=inetOrgPerson are ignored.

inetOrgPerson service type

When we create a service instance for this identity feed, the following information is required:

After creation, this service is set to reconcile a specific branch of the directory.

Customized attribute mapping

The Attribute Mapping file name option provides a way to customize the mapping of LDAP attributes to IBM Security Identity Manager attributes.

The format of the attribute mapping file is feedAttrName=itimAttrName. Lines that begin with a number sign (#) or semicolon (;) are interpreted as comments.

The attribute mapping file completely overrides the default mappings. All attributes needed from the feed source must be included in the mapping file. Attributes specified as required in the person profile form or LDAP schema for the target person profile must be in the mapping file. If an attribute from the feed source is not included in the attribute mapping file, the value is not set on ISIM attribute. The following example shows that six attributes are mapped. All other LDAP attributes are ignored.


UTF-8 encoding in an identity feed file

Your identity feed file must be in UTF-8 format. We must use an editor that supports UTF-8 encoding.