IBM Security Identity Manager directory tree

This section describes the ISIM directory tree.

The following is a diagram of a basic Security Identity Manager directory tree.

Security Identity Manager directory tree

Container Description
Root Node Root node where ISIM Server is installed.
ou=itim Stores all pertinent information for the ISIM application.
ou=constraints Stores membership restrictions for various roles and services.
erdictionaryname=password Stores invalid password entries for use with password policies.
ou=CompanyName Name of the company. This container is the parent container for all information about the company in the ISIM system.
erglobalid=<GlobalID> This node stores information of the organization. The company long name can be found in this node.
ou=orgChart Stores the definition of the organizations and organizational units in ISIM.
ou=roles Stores all information for all organizational roles defined in ISIM.
ou=workflow Stores all the workflows designed for use in the ISIM system for the company.
ou=services Stores information about the services installed for use with the ISIM system.
ou=accounts Stores all accounts in the ISIM system.
ou=policies Stores all the defined policies.
ou=sysRoles Stores all information about the ISIM Groups defined in ISIM.
ou=orphans Stores all orphan accounts retrieved during reconciliation.
ou=people Stores all information about Persons in ISIM.
ou=credCatalog2 Stores information about credentials and credential pools
ou=itim This container is the parent container for system-specific information.
ou=category Stores lifecycle management operations for an entity type. Only Person and Account are supported. Global represents the system operation.
ou=objectProfile Stores the object profiles required for the system to recognize a managed resource as an entity (person, organizational unit, location).
ou=serviceProfile Stores the service profiles required for the system to recognize a managed resource as a service.
ou=operations Stores information about workflow operations (such as add, modify, delete, suspend, and transfer) with Security Identity Manager.
ou=lifecycleProfile Stores all information about the lifecycle characteristics defined at the entity (instance) level.
ou=assemblyLine Stores all information about the configuration for the IBM Security Directory Integrator adapter.
ou=config Stores all the information about the workflow configurations.
ou=excludeAccounts Stores all the information about which accounts are to be excluded during reconciliation.
ou=recycleBin Stores entities deleted from the system by the administrative console.
ou=systemUser Stores information about system users.
ou=formTemplates Stores information about the various forms and the form templates used in the system.
ou=joinDirectives Stores all the information about the provisioning policy join directives.
ou=privilegeRule Stores information that determines whether the difference between an account value and what is dictated by a provisioning policy requires revoking or granting privileges.
cn=challenges Stores all information about the password challenge and response feature.
ou=accessType1 Stores information about access types.
ou=policies1 Stores information about account defaults for each service.
ou=ownershipType2 Stores information about ownership types.
1 Indicates that the container is added in Version 5.0.

2 Indicates that the container is added in Version 6..

Parent topic: IBM Security Directory Server schema and class reference