Change a manual service

Change information for a manual service instance.

Before we can change a service in ISIM, we must create a service instance.

To change a manual service instance...

  1. Click Manage Services. The Select a Service page is displayed.

  2. On the Select a Service page:

    1. Enter information about the service in the Search information field.

    2. In the Search by field, specify whether the search must be done against services or business units.

    3. Select a service type from the Search type list.

    4. Select a status from the Status list, and then click Search. A list of services that matches the search criteria is displayed.

  3. In the Services table, select the check box next to the manual service to change, and then click Change.

  4. On the General Information page, change the appropriate values for the service instance, and then click Participants.

  5. On the Participants page, change the participants type, escalation time in days, or escalation participant type.

  6. Optional: On the Messages page, and then click Reconciliation:

    1. Select the email message to change, and then click Change. The Change Message page is displayed.
    2. Modify the Subject and Body fields as wanted, and then click OK.

  7. Optional: On the Reconciliation page, click Browse to locate the reconciliation file, and then click Upload File to load the new reconciliation file. We can also choose whether to reconcile supporting data only. The file type supported for the reconciliation file is CSV. See Example CSV file.

  8. Click OK to save the changes and to close the page.

A message is displayed, indicating that you successfully changed the service instance.

Select another services task, or click Close. When the Select a Service page is displayed, click Refresh to refresh the Services table.

Parent topic: Services administration