WebSphere Portal


Lotus Discovery Server Version 5.02 Portlets

Lotus Discovery Server portlets allow the user access to Lotus Discovery Server applications.

For information about working with any of the Lotus Discovery Server portlets, see the Portlet Help that is available from the portlet title bar.


Use the Lotus Discovery Server portlets

There are three Lotus Discovery Server portlets:


Portlet security

Users must have the appropriate access to the Lotus Discovery Server that has been set up for use with Lotus Collaborative Components (LCC). If necessary for access to the full Knowledge Map, LCC logs the user into the Discovery Server, so the user does not have to enter a name and password for any of these portlets.


Test assumptions

The Lotus Discovery Server portlets have been tested on and are compatible with all supported WebSphere Portal platforms, as listed in Supported hardware and software .


Set up the Lotus Discovery Server portlets

Before you install the Lotus Discovery Server portlets, make sure your WebSphere Portal environment meets the following client and server requirements.

Client requirements

These portlets support browsers and devices capable of rendering HTML markup. The following table provides detailed information.

Minimum requirements for HTML
Markup level

  • HTML 4.01 Transitional

Java applet

  • None


  • 1.10


  • No

Style sheets

  • Portal styles only


These portlets have been tested on the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer Version 6.0
  • Netscape Version 6.2



Server requirements

The Lotus Discovery Server portlets require WebSphere Portal Version 5.0 or 5.02.

The Lotus Discovery Server portlets display information from a Lotus Discovery Server Version 2.0 that is set up to work with the portal. As portal administrator, you specify the Discovery server during the installation of Lotus Collaborative Components.


See the WebSphere Portal Help and Information Center for more information about installing portlets.


Configuration parameters

The following configuration parameters are available in these portlets.

Parameter Value
helpURIThis parameter is required and contains a fixed value; do not change this value.

For a given portlet, these values specify the URI of the Java Server Page that renders the context-sensitive Help for the portlet.

DiscoveryMini-Search: /WEB-INF/help/WPSDiscoveryMiniSearchHelp.jsp

DiscoverySearchKMap: /WEB-INF/help/WPSDiscoveryKmapHelp.jsp

DiscoverySearchResults: /WEB-INF/help/WPSDiscoverySearchHelp.jsp

LDAP_NABServerThis parameter is required.

Specify the fully qualified Internet (HTTP) host name of the LDAP server that is configured with the Discovery server that hosts the Knowledge Map information source of the Discovery Server portlet.

Example: .com
DiscoveryServerThis parameter is required.

Specify the fully qualified Internet (HTTP) host name of the Discovery server that hosts the Knowledge Map that is the information source of the Discovery Server portlet.

Example: .com
DSVersionThis parameter is required.

Specifies the version of the Discovery Server. The default is 2.0.

Examples: 1.2, 2.0
runURIThis parameter is required and contains a fixed value; do not change this value.

For a given portlet, these values specify the URI of the Java Server Page that renders the Discovery Server portlet in view mode.

DiscoveryMini-Search: /WEB-INF/jsp/WPSDiscoveryMiniSearch.jsp

DiscoverySearchKMap: /WEB-INF/jsp/WPSDiscoveryKmap.jsp

DiscoverySearchResults: /WEB-INF/jsp/WPSDiscoverySearch.jsp

editURIThis parameter is required and contains a fixed value; do not change this value.

For a given portlet, these values specify the URI of the Java Server Page that renders the portlet in edit mode.

DiscoveryMini-Search: /WEB-INF/jsp/WPSDiscoveryMiniSearchEdit.jsp

DiscoverySearchKMap: Not available.

DiscoverySearchResults: /WEB-INF/jsp/WPSDiscoverySearchEdit.jsp

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