Troubleshoot: Install
If a problem occurs when you attempt to install WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the first thing do is consult the the installation documentation for the product. For WebSphere Application Server, refer to the Installation of WebSphere Application Server for iSeries documentation. For WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, refer to the Installation of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment for iSeries documentation. Step 2 of the install documentation takes you through the installation process in detail.
For the resources available for determining what the installation problem might be, see the list below.
- The WebSphere Application Server for iSeries installation code outputs error messages when something goes wrong with the install. When you install locally from Qshell or use the RUNJVA command, the output is displayed to the screen. When you install remotely from a workstation, the error messages are displayed to the screen from which you launched the install.
If an OS/400 message is associated with the error, the message identifier is displayed in the error message. To get more information about the message, use the Display Message Description (DSPMSGD) command from an OS/400 command line.
Read the release notes. WebSphere Application Server Release Notes ( .
Check the WebSphere Application Server FAQ database .
Refer to the WebSphere Application Server for iSeries newsgroup .
This iSeries Technical Support Web-based forum is dedicated to WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.Contact IBM support. See Get support for WebSphere Application Server for more information.