Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries

Support services for IBM WebSphere Application Server for iSeries are provided under the usual terms and conditions for iSeries software products. Support services include program services, voice support, and consulting services. For more information, use the online information provided at Link outside Information Center or contact your local IBM representative. To refer to IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 for iSeries, specify program number 5733-WS5. To refer to IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0, Network Deployment for iSeries., specify program number 5733-WS5, Option 5.

Resolving defects of WebSphere Application Server is supported under program services or voice support. Resolving application programming or debugging issues is supported under consulting services.

All programming assistance is supported under consulting services. This includes the program samples that are provided in the WebSphere Application Server for iSeries licensed program offering (LPO). Additional samples may be available on the Internet on an unsupported basis.

For the latest information about WebSphere Application Server, including PTF information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), and the WebSphere Application Server for iSeries newsgroup, check the IBM WebSphere Application Server for iSeries product Web site at Link outside Information Center

Getting fixes for IBM WebSphere Application Server for iSeries

Program fixes for 5733-WS5 (IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0 for iSeries) are available through iSeries Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs). Use the online information that is provided at Link outside Information Center for more information.

For the latest information about fixes, see the IBM WebSphere Application Server for iSeries product Web site at Link outside Information Center.