Configure SSL in WebSphere Application Server

Several WebSphere Application Server components use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to provide secure communication. For more information, see Secure Socket Layer (SSL). In particular, SSL is used by:

WebSphere applications can be configured and implemented to use SSL. The digital certificates used by such applications are stored in either Java keystore files (.jks files) or OS/400 certificate containers (.kdb files).

Note: Use of OS/400 certificate containers with WebSphere applications is deprecated in Version 5.0 and can only be used with certain limitations. For more information, see Migrate applications to use Java keystores.

Note: The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-approved Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) providers are not supported on iSeries. Other WebSphere Application Server platforms may support FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms.

See these topics for more information about configuring SSL:

Configure SSL for the browser

Configure SSL for Web servers

Change the default SSL keystore and truststore files

Configure SSL for WebSphere Application Server

Configure SSL for WebSphere applications

Configure SSL for Web client authentication

Configure IBM HTTP Server for iSeries for SSL client authentication

Configure SSL for Java client authentication

Configure SSL connections between WebSphere Application Server and an LDAP Server

SSL performance tips