Secure sockets layer (SSL)


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The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol provides transport layer security: authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality, for a secure connection between a client and server in the WebSphere Application Server. The protocol runs above TCP/IP and below application protocols such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), and provides trust and privacy for the transport data.

ecure Sockets Layer

Depending upon the SSL configurations of both the client and server, various levels of trust, data integrity, and privacy can be established. Understanding the basic operation of SSL is very important to proper configuration and to achieve the desired protection level for both client and application data.

SSL can be effective in securing an enterprise environment. Some of the security features provided by SSL are as follows:

Data encryption Prevent the exposure of sensitive information while data flows across the network.
Data signing Prevents unauthorized modification of data while data flows across the network.
Client and server authentication Ensures that you communicate with the appropriate person or machine.

SSL is used by multiple components within WebSphere Application Server to provide trust and privacy. These components are the built-in HTTP transport, the Object Request Broker (ORB), and the secure LDAP client.

WebSphere Application Server SSL components

In this figure:

WebSphere Application Server and the IBMJSSE provider

The SSL implementation used by the WebSphere Application Server is IBM Java Secure Sockets Extension (IBM JSSE). The IBM JSSE provider contains a reference implementation supporting SSL and TLS protocols and an application programming interface (API) framework. The IBM JSSE provider also comes with a standard provider, which supplies RSA support for the signature-related JCA features of the Java 2 platform, common SSL and TLS cipher suites, hardware cryptographic token device, X.509-based key and trust managers, and PKCS12 implementation for a JCA keystore.

A graphical tool called IBM Key Management Tool (iKeyman) also is provided to manage digital certificates. With this tool, you can create a new key database or a test digital certificate, add CA roots to the database, copy certificates from one database to another, as well as request and receive a digital certificate from a CA. For more information, see IBM Key Management Tool.

Configure JSSE is very similar to configuring most other SSL implementations (for example, GSKit); however, a couple of differences are worth noting:

There are also certain limitations with using Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE):