
This package contains externalised Interfaces and implementation classes.


Interface Summary
Beginnable Enables an explicit begin to be called on a JDBC Connection.
DataAccessFunctionSet This DataAccessFunctionSet interface provides a capability for an Interaction to execute functions on a datastore instance.
DataStoreHelper This is an interface that allows each data store platform to plug in its own private data store specific functions that are used by the Relational Resource Adapter runtime.
HandleStates This class contains general handle state constants used by the Reassociateable interface and some of the WebSphere JDBC and CCI objects.
JDBCConnectionSpec A ConnectionSpec interface provided for JDBC users to specify additional Connection properties on getConnection.
Reassociateable Enables a Connection handle to support handle reassociation.
WSCciConnectionSpec A ConnectionSpec interface provided for applications using the javax.resource.cci interfaces to specify Connection properties available on the WebSphere Relational Resource Adapter.
WSConnectionSpec A ConnectionSpec interface provided for applications using the javax.resource.cci interfaces to specify Connection properties available on the WebSphere Relational Resource Adapter.
WSDataSource Interface which enables an application to provide additional parameters when requesting a Connection.
WSInteractionSpec An InteractionSpec holds properties for driving an Interaction with a backend store instance.
WSNativeConnectionAccessor This WSNativeConnectionAccessor interface provides a conduit for the WebSphere ResourceAdapter CCI function to access the Native Connection.
WSRdbRecord This interface extends from javax.resource.cci.Record.

Class Summary
CloudscapeDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Cloudscape database.
CloudscapeNetworkServerDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Cloudscape database.
ConnectJDBCDataStoreHelper This helper class is used for both the unbranded ConnectJDBC driver and the Microsoft driver.
DataDirectDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the dataDirect database.
DataStoreHelperMetaData MetaData object for DataStoreHelpers.
DB2390DataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the DB2 database on 390.
DB2390LocalDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the DB2 database on 390, running locally on the same system so as to take advantage of RRS.
DB2AS400DataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the DB2 database on AS400.
DB2DataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the DB2 database.
DB2UniversalDataStoreHelper DataStoreHelper class for the DB2 JCC driver.
GenericDataStoreHelper This class should be used for non supported Databases, the user has the option to override this class and make changes to the methods to make it fit the new database.
InformixDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Informix database.
JdbcAccessorImpl This class provides a conduit for the WebSphere ResourceAdapter CCI function to access the Native Connection.
MSSQLDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the SQLServer database.
OracleDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Oracle database.
SequeLinkDataStoreHelper SequeLinkDataStoreHelper - this is an class is used for the SequeLink (aka DataDirectType3 driver)
Sybase11DataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Sybase 11.9.2 database.
SybaseDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Sybase database.
WSCallHelper Provides static methods for invoking non-standard methods on objects wrapped by WebSphere.
WSConnectJDBCDataStoreHelper This is a helper class customized for the Microsoft branded ConnectJDBC (Type IV) driver for the SQLServer database.
WSRRAFactory A factory class provided for creating objects used with the WebSphere Relational Resource Adapter.

Package Description

This package contains externalised Interfaces and implementation classes. The classes may be extended if desired or new classes can be created for the users convenience. A typical scenario would be use of the DataStoreHelper interface to create new helpers. Another would be the sub classing of existing helpers to fine tune them to user needs.