Interface JDBCConnectionSpec

All Superinterfaces:
javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec, WSConnectionSpec

public interface JDBCConnectionSpec
extends WSConnectionSpec

A ConnectionSpec interface provided for JDBC users to specify additional Connection properties on getConnection.

To make use of this functionality, the JDBC application must cast to WSDataSource as follows,

Connection conn = ((WSDataSource) ds).getConnection(jdbcConnectionSpec);

Method Summary
 int getTransactionIsolation()
          Get the transaction isolation level.
 void setTransactionIsolation(int isolationLevel)
          Set the transaction isolation level.
Methods inherited from interface
getCatalog, getPassword, getTypeMap, getUserName, isReadOnly, setCatalog, setPassword, setReadOnly, setTypeMap, setUserName

Method Detail


public int getTransactionIsolation()
Get the transaction isolation level.
the java.sql.Connection transaction isolation constant for the isolation level.


public void setTransactionIsolation(int isolationLevel)

Set the transaction isolation level. Any isolation level constant from the java.sql.Connection interface may be used, provided the backend supports it.

If a value of TRANSACTION_NONE is specified, then the value specified in the res-ref will be used. If this value is also TRANSACTION_NONE or not specified, then the WebSphere default isolation level, specified in the DataStoreHelper, will be used.

isolationLevel - the isolation level.