Overview of WAS for iSeries
WAS provides a J2EE-compliant environment that allows you to implement and manage server-side Java components. These Java components can add complex business logic and dynamic functions to static HTML Web pages.
WAS consists of these components:
- The WAS runtime environment, which is installed on the iSeries server
- The WebSphere application development environment, which runs on a graphical workstation
- Administration tools, which run on the iSeries server or a workstation
- WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries and WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS V5.3 for iSeries, which are optional components installed on the iSeries server
The WAS runtime environment consists of the application server job. The application server job manages and runs WebSphere applications. Additionally, if the application server has JMS configured, the application server job manages several WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries jobs that are used by the WebSphere Embedded JMS Server. Except for QEJBMQLSR, which is started in the QEJBAS5 subsystem, all of the JMS jobs run in the QMQM subsystem.
The WAS workstation-based tools allow you to assemble and deploy applications from your workstation. The workstation tools also include tools for problem determination such as the Log Analyzer and the Eclipse-based debugger and distributed trace tools.
The WAS iSeries-based tools allow you to manage WAS instances and perform administrative tasks such as installing applications, modifying the application configuration, compiling JSPs, and regenerating the Web server plugin configuration.
The administrative console is a Web-based application that runs on any browser supported by WAS. For a list of the supported browser, see Workstation prerequisites for installing and running WAS. The administrative console provides a graphical interface that allows you to configure and manage WAS environment and its resources.
See the Introduction to WAS for more information about WAS for iSeries.