Workstation prerequisites for installing and running WAS
Before you install the WAS workstation components, verify that your hardware and software meets the minimum requirements.
Workstation hardware requirements
If you only plan to use your workstation to administer your WAS environment, you can use any workstation capable of running a web browser that supports HTML 4.0 and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
These workstation hardware requirements apply to the application development and assembly components.
- Capable workstations:
- An Intel-based personal computer capable of running any of these operating systems:
- Windows NT Server V4.0 Service Pack 6 (or later)
- Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server Service Pack 2 (or later)
- RedHat Advanced Server for Intel (x86) 2.1
- SuSE Linux SLES for Intel (x86) V7 Kernal 2.4
- SuSE Linux for Intel (x86) V7.3 Kernal 2.4
- A workstation that is capable of running Solaris V8
- A pSeries server that is capable of running AIX V4.3.3 or V5.1
- Support for a communications adapter or an appropriate network interface
- 120 MB of free disk space (minimum)
- 256 MB of memory (minimum)
- CD-ROM drive
Workstation software requirements
If you only plan to use your workstation to administer the WAS environment, you can use any operating system with a web browser that supports HTML 4.0 and CSS.
These workstation software requirements listed below apply to the application development and assembly component.
- Any of these operating systems:
- Windows NT Server V4.0, Service Pack 6 (or higher)
- Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server Service Pack 2 (or higher)
- SuSE Linux for Intel (x86) V7.3 Kernal 2.4
- SuSE SLES for Intel (x86) V7 Kernal 2.4
- Sun Solaris V8 (at the latest available maintenance level)
- AIX V4.3.3 or V5.1
- Red Hat Advanced Server for Intel (x86) V2.1
- Any of these IBM development kits for Java:
- Windows NT IBM Enhanced Java Development Kit, Version 1.3
- HP-UX IBM Software Development Kit for the Java Platform, Version 1.3
- IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3
- Solaris IBM Java Development Kit, Version 1.3
- IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3
Note: These IBM development kits for Java are included on the WAS workstation CD-ROM and are installed automatically when you install any of the workstation components of WAS.
- TCP/IP installed and running
- Web browser that supports HTML 4.0 and CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).