WebSphere Application Server for iSeries: Overview

WebSphere Application Server allows you to implement and manage server-side Java components, such as servlets, enterprise beans, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) files. These Java components can add complex business logic and dynamic functions to static HTML Web pages.

For more information, see these topics:

What is WebSphere Application Server?
See this topic for an overview of WebSphere Application Server, its high-level functions, and its terminology.

Overview of WebSphere Application Server architecture
This topic describes the software components of the base WebSphere Application Server product and the relationships among the components.

What's new in Version 5.0
This topic lists functions that are new in Version 5.0 of WebSphere Application Server.

Documentation roadmap
This topic describes the WebSphere Application Server for iSeries product documentation.

Get support
This topic describes the program services, voice support, and consulting services for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

Other resources
Use the resources that are listed in this topic for more information about WebSphere Application Server.