HTTP server transport sample topology

WebSphere Application Server can use the HTTP protocol to route requests from the Web server to application servers on remote machines. The HTTP server is hosted on a separate machine or logical partition. This topology requires WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

This figure shows an example of an HTTP server transport topology:

Topology for HTTP server transport

In this sample topology, Machine A hosts the Web server and receives HTTP requests from clients. The Web server uses HTTP or HTTPS protocol to forward the requests to the application servers on Machines B. You can add more application server machines to the configuration to implement horizontal scaling.

HTTP transport supports firewalls that use network address translation (NAT). For more information on firewall configurations in WebSphere Application Server, see Firewalls and demilitarized zone (DMZ) configurations and Demilitarized zone (DMZ) sample topology.

Advantages and disadvantages of HTTP server transport

HTTP transport has the following advantages:

HTTP transport has the disadvantage of requiring at least one firewall port. It requires more firewall ports when the configuration uses multiple application server cluster members or the machine hosting the Web server uses WebSphere Application Server security.

Load-balancing support

HTTP transport is fully integrated with workload management and clustering for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, and supports these types of load balancing:

Failover support

HTTP transport can adjust automatically to account for failover and changes in the number of available cluster members: