Remove nodes from a Network Deployment instance

Use the administrative console or the removeNode script to remove application server nodes from a Network Deployment cell. When you remove a node, it becomes a stand-alone application server instance, and its original configuration is restored. Any configuration changes that you make to the application server when it is part of the Network Deployment cell are lost. The configuration information for the application server is old config is restored, meaning that if app server config changes were made since federation, those changes will be lost. The applications that were part of the node remain in the Network Deployment cell.

The removeNode script is located in the /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin directory of the machine that hosts your application server instance. You must run the script on the machine that hosts your application server instance, not the machine that hosts the deployment manager instance.

For information on using the administrative console to remove a node from a Network Deployment instance, see Administer nodes.

To use the removeNode script to remove a node from a Network Deployment instance, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Network Deployment instance from which you want to remove the node.
  2. Stop the application server instance that you want to remove from the Network Deployment cell. See Start and stop application servers for details. The script uses the -instance parameter to determine where to get the configuration information for the application server instance. The script does not need to connect to the instance.

    Note: This step is optional. If the application server is running, the script stops script stops it before it adds the node.

  3. Stop the node agent for the node that you want to remove.

    Note: This step is optional. If the application server is running, the script stops script stops it before it adds the node.

  4. On the OS/400 command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.
  5. On the Qshell command line, use the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:
    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin
  6. Run the removeNode script:
    removeNode -instance instance

    where instance is the name of the application server instance that you want to remove from the cell. For more information on the removeNode script and additional parameters, see The removeNode script.