Administer nodes

A node is a group of managed application servers. Typically, a node represents a machine or logical partition.

Note: This feature is available in WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment only.

For help with node settings, see Node settings. Go to Help documentation

For information on administering nodes, see these sections:

Add nodes

To configure a new node, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Network Deployment instance to which you want to add the node.
  2. Start the application server instance that you want to add to the Network Deployment cell. You must start the application server so that the administrative console can access the configuration information for the application server instance.
  3. Start the administrative console for your Network Deployment instance.
  4. In the topology tree, expand System Administration and click Nodes.
  5. On the Nodes page, click Add Node.
  6. On the Add Node page, specify this information:

    • JMX Connector Type This field specifies the type of connector that the deployment manager uses to connect to the instance that you want to add.
    • Host This field specifies the name of the machine that hosts the target instance.
    • JMX Connector Port This field specifies the target instance's SOAP or RMI port. This port number corresponds to the connector type that you specify in the JMX Connector Type field.
    • Include Applications Select this option if you want to include the target instance's applications in the new node.

    Note: The instance that you want to add must be running.

  7. Click OK.

    Note: This process may take several minutes to complete.

  8. Save the configuration.


  1. If you use the administrative console to add a node to a Network Deployment cell, you can not specify a port block for the node agent and JMS server. In this case, the node agent and JMS server use the default ports. Use the addNode script to add a node. See Add nodes to a Network Deployment instance for information on using the addNode script. For more information on the ports that are assigned to node agents and JMS servers, see Port usage.

  2. The administrative console does not provide support for adding a secured remote node to a Network Deployment cell. Use one of these methods to add a secured node:

Modify nodes

To modify a node, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. In the topology tree, expand System Administration and click Nodes.
  3. On the Nodes page, click the name of the node that you want to modify.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the configuration.

Remove nodes

To remove a node, follow these steps:

To use the administrative console to remove a node from a Network Deployment instance, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Network Deployment instance from which you want to remove the node.
  2. Start the node agent for the node that you want to remove.
  3. Stop the application server instance that you want to remove from the Network Deployment cell.
  4. Start the administrative console for your Network Deployment instance.
  5. In the topology tree, expand System Administration and click Nodes.
  6. On the Nodes page, select the node that you want to remove.
  7. Click Remove Node.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Save the configuration.

Stop nodes

To stop a node, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. In the topology tree, expand System Administration and click Nodes.
  3. On the Nodes page, select the checkbox for the node that you want to stop.
  4. Click Stop.

Synchronize node configurations

Synchronize node configurations when you want to update the configuration documents at the node with the master copies contained in the deployment manager. To synchronize a node configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. In the topology tree, expand System Administration and click Nodes.
  3. On the Nodes page, select the checkbox for the node for which you want to synchronize the configuration.
  4. Click Synchronize or Full Resynchronize.

    • Synchronize uses normal synchronization optimization algorithm to synchronize the configuration. This operation is fast but might not fix problems in files that are edited manually.
    • Full Resynchronize clears the synchronization optimization settings and synchronizes the configuration. This operation may take several minutes to complete.