WAS for iSeries installation options
Before you install WAS for iSeries, decide which options you require. By default, all products and all options are installed. You can install a subset of products and options.
WAS v5.0 for iSeries (5733WS5) options:
(Option Base) WAS
This option is required. It contains the Readme file and other common files for the product.
(Option 1) Client development and run time
Option 1 provides the client application development and run time portion of the WAS V5.0 product. This option allows you to compile your client application code and run both Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) client applications and thin applications. It also provides the necessary scripts and runtime for running remote HTTP webservers to access WAS, which is used in multiple-machine topologies. For more information, see the Remote HTTP topic in Administration.
(Option 2) Application server run time
For Option 2 to function correctly, option 1 must also be installed. Option 2 provides the application server run time for WAS. It allows you to deploy and run J2EE 1.3 compliant enterprise applications.
(Option 3) Samples
For Option 3 to function correctly, option 2 must also be installed. Option 3 provides the samples for WAS.
Language option
The language option denotes the National Language Support (NLS) option for the product. These languages are available:
- 2980 - Brazilian Portuguese
- 2950 - English Uppercase only
- 2924 - English
- 2938 - English Uppercase only DBCS
- 2894 - English DBCS
- 2928 - French
- 2940 - French MNCS
- 2929 - German
- 2939 - German MNCS
- 2932 - Italian
- 2942 - Italian MNCS
- 2962 - Japanese DBCS
- 2986 - Korean DBCS
- 2989 - Simplified Chinese DBCS
- 2931 - Spanish
- 2987 - Traditional Chinese DBCS
WebSphere MQ V5.3 for iSeries (5724B41) options:
(Option Base) WebSphere MQ
Install this product if you want to use the embedded JMS server component of WAS V5.0.
(Option 1) WebSphere MQ - Samples
Option 1 provides the samples for WebSphere MQ.
Language option
The language option denotes the (NLS) option for the product. It is installed only for Option *BASE. These languages are available:
- 2909 - Belgium English
- 2966 - Belgium French
- 2981 - Canadian French MNCS
- 2950 - English Uppercase only
- 2924 - English
- 2938 - English Uppercase only DBCS
- 2984 - English DBCS
- 2928 - French
- 2940 - French MNCS
- 2932 - Italian
- 2942 - Italian MNCS
- 2962 - Japanese DBCS
- 2986 - Korean DBCS
- 2989 - Simplified Chinese DBCS
- 2931 - Spanish
WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS V5.3 for iSeries (5639C34) options:
(Option Base) WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS
Install this product if you want to use JMS from your applications or the embedded JMS server.
(Option 1) WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS - Samples
Option 1 provides the samples for WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS.
Language option
The language option denotes the (NLS) option for the product. It is installed only for Option *BASE. Only 2924 - English is available.