Configuration and management

After you install WebSphere Application Server, configure the product to run your applications. Use the administrative console or the wsadmin tool to perform all of the necessary administrative tasks. It is helpful, but not required, that you have a basic understanding of database administration, HTTP protocol, HTTP server configuration, Java, J2EE, XML, and HTML.

WebSphere Application Server

These topics provide information about configuring and managing WebSphere Application Server. The information in these topics also applies to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

Administer the iSeries WebSphere Application Server environment
This topic describes how to administer the WebSphere Application Server environment. It includes information on starting and stopping WebSphere Application Server, saving and restoring configuration data, and configuring remote HTTP.

Administer WebSphere Application Server instances
Use multiple instances to create multiple WebSphere Application Server environments that are completely isolated from one another. This topic describes how to configure and manage multiple instances of WebSphere Application Server.

Administer application servers
An application server is a server that provides the runtime environment in which you deploy your applications. This topic describes how to use the administrative console to create, modify, and remove application servers.

Administer the embedded JMS server
This topic describes how to administer the embedded JMS server for an application server.

Administer applications
After you configure your application server, you can install enterprise applications into it. This topic describes how to deploy and manage applications in your application server.

Administer resources
Applications generally use resources such as data sources, JMS, JavaMail, resource environment providers, URLs, and resource adapters. This topic describes how to configure and manage these resources.

Administer environment settings
Use the administrative console to administer virtual hosts, environment variables, shared libraries, replication domains, and naming for your application server. This topic describes how to administer these settings.

Administer console users and groups
If global security is enabled for your WebSphere Application Server instance, provide a valid user ID and password to log on to the administrative console. This topic describes how manage console users and user groups.

Administer HTTP server instances
An HTTP server receives client HTTP requests and routes them to application servers for processing. This topic describes how to administer HTTP server instances.

Application server components and services

These topics describe how to configure and manage specific components and services of your application server instance. For links to administration information for additional components and services, see Administer application servers.

Administer transactions
A transaction is a set of operations that are performed on data and that must run as a single unit. This topic describes how to use the administrative console to manage the transaction service for an application server.

Administer internal HTTP transports
An HTTP transport is a queue between a Web server plug-in and a Web container. The transport routes client requests from the Web server to the Web modules that are running in the Web container. This topic describes how to configure, manage, and remove internal HTTP transports.

Administer Object Request Brokers
An Object Request Broker (ORB) manages the interaction between clients and servers. This topic describes how to configure the ORB service for your application server.

Configure the message listener service
The message listener service provides JMS message listeners that are used by message driven beans (MDBs). This topic describes how to configure the message listener service for you application server.

Administer end points
This topic describes how to administer the end points that application server components use to communicate with each other.

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

These topics provide information that applies specifically to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment:

Administer Network Deployment instances
This topic describes how to use scripts to configure and manage instances of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. Each Network Deployment instance consists of a deployment manager, which you use to administer multiple application servers.

Administer clusters and cluster members
If you are running WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, you can use clusters to manage workloads and improve availability. A cluster is a group of application servers that work together to process client requests. Each application server in the cluster is a cluster member. This topic describes how to use the administrative console to administer clusters and cluster members. For more information about clustering, see Clusters and cluster members.

Administer JMS servers in Network Deployment
This topic describes how to use the administrative console to start and stop JMS servers and to modify the internal JMS server's configuration.

Administer Network Deployment cells
If you are running WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, you can use the administrative console to manage cells, deployment managers, nodes, and node agents. This topic describes how to manage these Network Deployment settings.