Install HATS
With the information in this chapter you can:
- Review hardware and software prerequisites and plan for the installation of HATS
- Install HATS Studio on your workstation
- Install HATS Studio silently if you prefer
- Uninstall HATS.
There are hardware and software prerequisites for the machine where you install HATS Studio, the machine where you install deploy HATS applications, and the browsers with which your users will interact with HATS applications. All of these prerequisites are described in this chapter.
Prerequisites for HATS Studio
The only HATS component that install is HATS Studio. HATS Studio runs as a plugin to WebSphere Studio, which must be installed before you install HATS Studio. This section lists the requirements for the machine on which you install HATS Studio.
HATS Studio requires the following software:
- Operating system: Windows 2000 Professional (Server or Advanced Server) with Service Pack 3, or Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1a.
- At least one of these versions of WebSphere Studio:
- WebSphere Studio Site Developer Version 5.1
- WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5.1
- WebSphere Developer Studio Client for iSeries Version 5.1
- WebSphere Developer Studio Client Advanced for iSeries Version 5.1
- WAS - Express Version 5.0.2 (WebSphere Studio Site Developer Express Version 5.1 is installed with this version of WAS)
Check the HATS Web site at for the current list of supported versions.
- The creation of HATS projects that can be deployed as portlets requires WebSphere Portal Toolkit Version 5 with the latest service level installed.
Since HATS Studio runs as a plugin to WebSphere Studio, the hardware requirements are the same as those for the version of WebSphere Studio you have installed.
Prerequisites for HATS applications
HATS applications run on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, AIX, OS/400, Solaris, OS/390, zOS, Linux for Intel, and Linux for zSeries. HATS applications created in HATS Studio can be deployed to:
- WAS Version 5.0 with fix PQ70787 or later service level
- WAS Network Deployment Edition Version 5.0 with fix PQ70787 or later service level
- WAS - Express Version 5.0 with latest PTFs
- WAS for iSeries Version 5.0 with latest PTFs
- WAS Network Deployment for iSeries Version 5.0 with latest PTFs
- WAS - Express for iSeries Version 5.0 with latest PTFs
- WAS for z/OS and OS/390 Version 5.0 with latest PTFs
HATS applications inherit the hardware, operating system, and other software requirements for WAS, except for the following:
- 5250 print support requires IBM iSeries Access for Web Version 5.2 or later, which is available as part of the iSeries Access Family.
- HATS works with Tivoli Access Manager or other third party products to provide support for Web Express Logon.
- Deploying HATS projects that contain Web services created with the IBM WAS Version 5.0.2 Web service runtime requires WebSphere Version 5.0.2 or later.
- Deploying HATS projects that were created in HATS Studio as portlets requires WebSphere Portal Version 5.
- If you deploy a HATS application as a portlet in WebSphere Portal on AIX, apply WebSphere Portal fix number PQ77683_WP50_iFix. Without this fix, the graph widgets will not appear properly.
Each HATS application that you deploy requires additional disk space. The minimum space required for each HATS application is:
- Windows NT, Windows 2000: 40 MB per HATS application
- Windows 2003 Server: 40 MB per HATS application
- AIX: 32 MB per HATS application
- Solaris: 21 MB per HATS application
- OS/400: 21 MB per HATS application
- OS/390 and z/OS: 40 MB per HATS application
- Linux : 40 MB per HATS application
- Linux on zSeries: 40 MB per HATS application
If you add large graphics, business logic, or other components, your HATS application will require more disk space.
Prerequisites for user browsers
Users interact with HATS applications through a browser. Table 1 shows the supported browser types.
Table 1. HATS supported browsers Operating System Netscape 6.2 or higher Netscape 7.0 or higher Internet Explorer 5.2.3 or higher Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher Mozilla 1.2.1 or higher Opera 5.0 or higher Konqueror 3.1 or higher Safari 1.0 or higher Windows X X X X AIX X X Solaris X X Linux X X X Macintosh X X X Notes:
- Bi-directional applications (such as Hebrew and Arabic) are not supported on Netscape browsers.
- HATS Administration is only supported on Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.
- With Mozilla, Opera, and Konqueror browsers, the function keys (F1 - F24) and the PageUp and PageDown keys on the keyboard do not perform any function. To enable the use of these keys in your applications, include a host keypad with these keys to enable the end user to send them to the host.
- Konqueror browsers do not support retrieving the keyCode. Using the keyboard support, and pressing the Enter key with this browser might interact incorrectly with the host application. For applications that will run in Konqueror browsers, we recommend that you include a host keypad with the Enter key.
- With the Safari browser, because of functional limitations, keyboard support is limited to the Pause ([attn]) and Esc ([clear]) keys. For applications that will run in Safari browsers, we recommend that you include a host keypad with all the keys to enable the end user to send the keys to the host.
- The HATS asynchronous update applet does not function properly on Macintosh with any supported browser. For more information about asynchronous update, see HATS User's and Administrator's Guide for more information about the HATS asynchronous update applet.
Install HATS Studio
If you want to use the IBM Accessibility Speech Interface, an assistive technology tool for reading the panels presented during the installation of HATS, please refer to Accessibility for HATS installation.
You will need to supply this information when you install HATS Studio:
- The number of licenses you have purchased (Registered Users or Concurrent Users). Consult your Proof of Entitlement, if necessary, for the number of licenses purchased.
- If you have more than one version or copy of WebSphere Studio installed on your machine, you will need to identify the copy where you want to install HATS.
To install HATS Studio:
- You must be logged on with Administrator privileges.
- If HATS is already installed on your machine, we recommend that you uninstall it before re-installing. See Uninstalling HATS Studio for information about uninstalling HATS.
- Verify that your machine meets all the prerequisites described above, especially having a supported version of WebSphere Studio installed. Check the HATS Web site at for the current list of supported versions. You need to confirm the directory where WebSphere Studio is installed during installation.
- If WebSphere Studio is running, save all your work and exit.
- Insert the HATS CD into the CD-ROM drive. If you do not have auto-run turned on, execute setup.exe from the root directory of the CD.
- The Welcome window appears. From this window you can check the HATS prerequisites, view HATS documentation, explore the CD, visit the HATS Web site, or install the product. IBM recommends that you choose View Documentation and review the Readme file, which contains last-minute information. When you are ready to install HATS Studio, click Install.
- In the Installer window click Next.
- The product's license information appears. You must accept the license terms to install HATS. After you have read the license text, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
- Enter the number of licenses, for either Registered Users or Concurrent Users, that you have purchased. The valid range is from 1-50000. Click Next.
When installing the Host Access Transformation Toolkit for WebSphere Studio, the panel for the number of licenses does not appear.
- The installation program displays the directory path where WebSphere Studio is installed. If the installation program cannot find a valid version of WebSphere Studio, it displays a message and enables you to browse to a directory containing a valid version of WebSphere Studio. You should specify the parent directory of the plugins directory. If the installation program cannot confirm that WebSphere Studio is installed, the installation of HATS will continue, but a message is issued suggesting that you exit the installation program because HATS may not run. Once you have identified the correct install directory, click Next to confirm the directory path.
- The summary panel presents the installation information. Click Back if you need to change any of the displayed information, or click Next to proceed. The installation program installs HATS and creates Start menu items. You will see a progress bar as the installation proceeds.
- The completion summary panel informs you that HATS has been installed successfully.
- If existing files must be overwritten, it might be necessary to reboot your computer. If a reboot is required, you will be asked whether to restart the computer immediately or later. Make your selection and click Finish.
Installation log file
The installation process creates a log file, $TEMP\installHATSstudio.log, where $TEMP is the value of the environment variable TEMP. You can examine this file if an error occurs while installing HATS.
Use silent installation
As an alternative to using the graphical installation wizard, you can use the command line to install HATS silently from the CD. A sample response file is provided, which you can edit to match your configuration, or you can accept the default values supplied with HATS. The sample file on the CD is \instmgr\silenthats.txt. The file contains comments that explain its use. The value specified for each parameter must be enclosed in double quotes.
The response file includes these parameters, which you can modify to suit your machine:
- -W LicenseNumber.numberPurchased
- Enter the number of licenses you purchased. The valid range is from 1-50000.
- -P productHatsStudio.installLocation
- Enter the location of the plugins directory for WebSphere Studio. In order to reuse the response file, WebSphere Studio must be installed in the same location on each machine.
- -G replaceNewerResponse
- Specify whether you want to overwrite any existing files that have dates newer than the date of the corresponding file on the installation CD. This could happen if you have installed service or otherwise modified HATS files after installing. If you specify any answer other than "yesToAll", the silent installation process will issue Java errors and will not run to completion. If you are concerned about overwriting files, do not use silent installation.
The response file is not copied to your machine during installation. Once you have edited your response file, you can copy it to be used on several machines.
To start silent installation from a command prompt:
- Enter the drive letter of the CD drive.
- Change to the instmgr directory: cd instmgr
- Copy silenthats.txt to your hard drive and modify it if necessary to match your configuration.
- To install silently with default values, type setupwin.exe -silent.
- To install silently using a response file, type setupwin.exe -silent -options path\responsefilename, where path and responsefilename specify the location of the modified response file. For example, setupwin.exe -silent "-options C:\temp\silenthats.txt".
The silent installation process does not issue messages if it cannot find your response file or if the contents of the response file are invalid. If you use silent installation, be sure to review the installation log file to verify that the installation completed successfully. See Installation log file for information about the installation log file.
Uninstalling HATS Studio
To uninstall HATS Studio, be logged on with Administrator privileges. Close the HATS perspective and exit from WebSphere Studio, then use the Add/Remove Programs applet from the Control Panel. The uninstallation process creates a log file, $TEMP\uninstallHATSstudio.log. To uninstall HATS silently, change directory to the directory where WebSphere Studio is installed and enter this command: plugins\\uninstall\studiouninstaller.exe -silent.
When you uninstall HATS, the files for HATS projects and their resources are not deleted. If you re-install HATS you will be able to work with projects that you have created. To eliminate HATS files, you can delete each project before you uninstall HATS. If you want to delete HATS files after uninstalling HATS, refer to HATS Programmer's Guide for information about file names and locations.
When you start WebSphere Studio, it always tries to reopen the last perspective that was open. If you plan to uninstall HATS, be sure to close the HATS perspective before you exit WebSphere Studio. If HATS was the last perspective open, and you uninstall HATS, WebSphere Studio will issue error messages because it cannot find the files necessary to reopen the HATS perspective.