What's new for V5R4


iSeries™ Navigator tasks on the Web allow you to work with iSeries Navigator functions from an Internet Web browser.

iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web is even easier to work with in V5R4:

The list below displays iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web that are new in V5R4. For more information about these and other tasks, see: iSeries Navigator Tasks Available on the Web


What's new as of April 2007

With PTF SI24255, you no longer need to perform any HTTP Server configuration to begin using iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web. With this PTF, iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web uses the integrated Web application server, and no longer uses the Websphere “system instance”.


How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to Users.


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iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web