Each iSeries™ Navigator task that you work with has its own unique URL that displays in your Internet browser's Address field. Each URL is created by following a predefined set of conventions that includes the host system name, the port, the application name, and the name of the task you want to work with.
Parameter name | Parameter ID | Description | Example |
Task | task | The URL task you want to perform | If you wanted to work with active jobs on hostA:
http://hostA:2001/webnav/WnServlet?task=actjob |
System | &system | Specifies the system you want to manage. This parameter is optional, and needs to be specified only if you want to work with tasks on a secondary host. | If you want to use iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web on hostA but work with active jobs on hostB:
http://hostA:2001/webnav/WnServlet? task=actjob&system=hostB |
User | &user | Allows you to specify a different user ID if you are working on a secondary host system. | If you want to use a different user ID on a secondary host system:
http://hostA:2001/webnav/WnServlet? task=actjob&system=hostB&user=userB |
Filter and sort | &filter and sort | You can specify to allow or cancel both filter and sort on a selected task | If you want to turn off the capability to filter and sort:
http://hostA:2001/webnav/WnServlet? task=actjob&filter-allowed=false&sort-allowed=false |
Table size | &table-size | Specifies the number of items per page you want to display in an online table | If you want to change the number of active jobs displayed per page from 20 to 100:
http://hostA:2001/webnav/WnServlet? task=actjob&table-size=100 |
Column sorting | &column-sort=x-A/D Where x = column ID. A=Ascending D=Descending | Allows you to pre-sort an iSeries Navigator list. | For example, you may want to display the list of active jobs sorted by CPU% in descending order. This allows you to quickly see which jobs are using the most CPU. The parameters on your URL would look like this: &task=actjob&column-sort=8-D.
To view the column Ids for a specific list, display the list on the web, then select the Columns action for the list and click the Show Column IDs to show the ID for each column. |
Single TaskMode | &WnSTM | Specifies whether or not a new URL request in the same browser session closes the previous request automatically. The Default setting is WnSTM=True | If you want to use a Web browser that shares the same session (e.g.,
Netscape), this parameter must be set to false to launch more than one task at a time:
http://hostA:2001/webnav/WnServlet? task=actjob&WnSTM=false |
The iSeries Navigator Tasks home page is a starting place for users who are just learning about how to use these tasks on the web. From the home page, users can:
The task abbreviations that are used in the URLs listed below were selected with the goal of keeping them similar to i5/OS commands. The following table shows the URL abbreviations for the iSeries Navigator tasks that are available on the Web:
General iSeries Navigator Tasks | ||
Name of task | Task ID (task=xxxx) | Additional Parameters |
View All Tasks | list | system=system name, userid=user id dbname=database name schema=schema name |
Trace Levels | trace | error, warning, diag, info, comp, level, create, entryExit, perf |
iSeries Navigator Tasks Home Page | home | |
User Preferences | pref | |
Configuration Options | config | |
Work with Jobs | wrkjobs | |
Work with Messages | wrkmsgs | |
Work with Printer Output | wrkprtout |
The task abbreviations that are used in the URLs were selected with the goal of keeping them similar to i5/OS commands. The following table shows the URL abbreviations for the iSeries Navigator tasks that are available on the Web in V5R3:
Basic Operations | ||
Name of task | Task ID (task=xxxx) | Additional Parameters |
Messages | msg | msgq, severity, type, foruser |
Send a Message | sndmsg | |
QSYSMSG Messages | qsysmsg | severity, type |
System Operator Messages | sysoprmsg | severity, type |
Printer Output | prtout | printer, outq (1), users (3) form, userdata, job, jobsystem, created (8), fromdate, fromtime, todate, totime, status (7) |
Hold printer output | hldprtout | file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5) |
Release printer output | rlsprtout | file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5) |
Display printer output | dspprtout | file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5) |
Printer output properties | prtoutprop | file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5) |
Convert printer output to PDF | cnvprtout | file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5) |
Reply to a message for printer output | rpyprtout | file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5) |
Printers | prt | printer (4) |
Hold a printer | hldprt | printer |
Release a printer | rlsprt | printer |
Start a printer | startprt | printer |
Stop a printer | stopprt | printer |
Restart a printer | restartprt | printer |
Printer Properties | prtprop | printer |
Make a printer available | availprt | printer |
Make a printer unavailable | unavailprt | printer |
Display printer output for a printer | openprt | printer |
Reply to a message for a printer | rpyprt | printer |
User Jobs | usrjob | jobname, jobuser, jobnbr, type (2), status (6), jobq |
Run command | runcmd | |
Table Notes®:
* To view printer output contents on the web, you will need to download the IBM® AFP™ Viewer browser plug-in to your PC. The AFP Viewer plug-in lets you view AFP and SCS output from your web browser. You can download this plug-in by going to the following web site: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=203&q=afp+plugin&uid=psd1P4000233 |
Work Management | ||
Name of task | Task ID (task=xxxx) | Additional Parameters |
Active Jobs | actjob | jobname, jobuser, jobnbr, curuser, subsystem, type (1) |
Server Jobs | svrjob | jobname, jobuser, jobnbr, status (3), curuser |
Delete a job | dltjob | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Job Properties | jobprop | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display job log for a job | joblog | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display locked objects for a job | lockobj | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display call stack for a job | callstack | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display open files for a job | openfiles | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display library list for a job | liblist | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display performance statistics for a job | perfstats | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Display threads for a job | threads | job |
Hold a job | hldjob | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Release a job | rlsjob | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Move a job | movjob | job job=jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Work with a job | wrkjob | job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName |
Active Subsystems | sbs | |
Active Job Queues | actjobq | |
All Job Queues | alljobq | jobq (2) |
Hold a job queue | hldjobq | jobq |
Release a job queue | rlsjobq | jobq |
Clear a job queue | clrjobq | jobq |
Output Queues | outq | outq (4) |
Hold an output queue | hldoutq | outq (5) |
Release an output queue | rlsoutq | outq (5) |
Clear an output queue | clroutq | outq (5) |
Active Memory Pools | actpool | |
Shared Memory Pools | shrpool | |
System Status | syssts | |
Table Notes:
Configuration and Service | ||
Name of task | Task ID (task=xxxx) | Additional Parameters |
System Values | sysval | |
History Log | dsplog | strdate, strtime, enddate, endtime, jobs, msgids (1) |
Disk Status | dsksts | |
Time Management | timemgmt | |
Change Password | chgpwd | |
Table Notes:
strdate format is YYYYMMDD and the strtime format is HHMMSS enddate format is YYYYMMDD and the endtime format is HHMMSS |
Network | ||
Name of task | Task ID (task=xxxx) | Additional Parameters |
TCP/IP Servers | tcpsvr | |
Universal Connection Wizard | ucw |
Database | ||
Name of task | Task ID (task=xxxx) | Additional Parameters |
Database: Work with all objects in a schema | db.allobj | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with aliases in a schema | db.alias | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with constraints in a schema | db.cst | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with distinct types in a schema | db.typ | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with functions in a schema | db.func | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with indexes in a schema | db.idx | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with journals in a schema | db.jrn | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with journal receivers in a schema | db.jrnrcv | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with SQL procedures in a schema | db.proc | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with sequences in a schema | db.seq | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with SQL packages in a schema | db.pkg | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with tables in a schema | db.tbl | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with triggers in a schema | db.trg | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Work with views in a schema | db.view | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Create alias | db.crtalias | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Create distinct type | db.crttyp | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Create index | db.crtidx | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Create schema | db.crtschema | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Create sequence | db.crtseq | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Create table | db.crttbl | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Database: Select which schemas to work with | db.selschema | dbname=database name, schema=schema name |
Work with all partitions in a table | db.tblpart | |
Work with schemas in user list | db.schema | |
Work with a list of Databases on the system | db.database | |
Work with all indexes for a table | db.tblidx | |
Work with a list of the system performance monitors | db.perfmon | |
Create a new performance monitor | db.crtmon | |
Import data onto the system | db.import | |
Export data from the system | db.export | |
Work with a list of the objects that have an index advised | db.idxadv |
Related concepts
Working with iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web Working with iSeries Navigator lists on the Web