iSeries Navigator URL parameters and available Web tasks


Each iSeries™ Navigator task that you work with has its own unique URL that displays in your Internet browser's Address field. Each URL is created by following a predefined set of conventions that includes the host system name, the port, the application name, and the name of the task you want to work with.


URL Parameters

Parameter name Parameter ID Description Example
Task task The URL task you want to perform If you wanted to work with active jobs on hostA:
System &system Specifies the system you want to manage. This parameter is optional, and needs to be specified only if you want to work with tasks on a secondary host. If you want to use iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web on hostA but work with active jobs on hostB:
User &user Allows you to specify a different user ID if you are working on a secondary host system. If you want to use a different user ID on a secondary host system:
Filter and sort &filter and sort You can specify to allow or cancel both filter and sort on a selected task If you want to turn off the capability to filter and sort:
Table size &table-size Specifies the number of items per page you want to display in an online table If you want to change the number of active jobs displayed per page from 20 to 100:
Column sorting &column-sort=x-A/D Where x = column ID. A=Ascending D=Descending Allows you to pre-sort an iSeries Navigator list. For example, you may want to display the list of active jobs sorted by CPU% in descending order. This allows you to quickly see which jobs are using the most CPU. The parameters on your URL would look like this: &task=actjob&column-sort=8-D.

To view the column Ids for a specific list, display the list on the web, then select the Columns action for the list and click the Show Column IDs to show the ID for each column.

Single TaskMode &WnSTM Specifies whether or not a new URL request in the same browser session closes the previous request automatically. The Default setting is WnSTM=True If you want to use a Web browser that shares the same session (e.g., Netscape), this parameter must be set to false to launch more than one task at a time:


iSeries Navigator tasks available on the Web

The iSeries Navigator Tasks home page is a starting place for users who are just learning about how to use these tasks on the web. From the home page, users can:

  • View all available iSeries Navigator tasks

  • Start a wizard that will help them select the desired iSeries Navigator task

  • Create the html for favorites for all of the iSeries Navigator tasks

  • Change their configuration settings

  • Learn more about iSeries Navigator tasks on the web by linking into i5/OS® Information Center
The trace levels page allows the user to customize their log file and adjust their trace levels. The user preferences page allows the user to select default values for iSeries Navigator tasks.

The task abbreviations that are used in the URLs listed below were selected with the goal of keeping them similar to i5/OS commands. The following table shows the URL abbreviations for the iSeries Navigator tasks that are available on the Web:

General iSeries Navigator Tasks
Name of task Task ID (task=xxxx) Additional Parameters
View All Tasks list system=system name, userid=user id dbname=database name schema=schema name
Trace Levels trace error, warning, diag, info, comp, level, create, entryExit, perf
iSeries Navigator Tasks Home Page home
User Preferences pref
Configuration Options config
Work with Jobs wrkjobs
Work with Messages wrkmsgs
Work with Printer Output wrkprtout

The task abbreviations that are used in the URLs were selected with the goal of keeping them similar to i5/OS commands. The following table shows the URL abbreviations for the iSeries Navigator tasks that are available on the Web in V5R3:

Basic Operations
Name of task Task ID (task=xxxx) Additional Parameters
Messages msg msgq, severity, type, foruser
Send a Message sndmsg
QSYSMSG Messages qsysmsg severity, type
System Operator Messages sysoprmsg severity, type
Printer Output prtout printer, outq (1), users (3) form, userdata, job, jobsystem, created (8), fromdate, fromtime, todate, totime, status (7)
Hold printer output hldprtout file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5)
Release printer output rlsprtout file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5)
Display printer output dspprtout file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5)
Printer output properties prtoutprop file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5)
Convert printer output to PDF cnvprtout file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5)
Reply to a message for printer output rpyprtout file, job, splnbr, jobsysname, crtdate, crttime (5)
Printers prt printer (4)
Hold a printer hldprt printer
Release a printer rlsprt printer
Start a printer startprt printer
Stop a printer stopprt printer
Restart a printer restartprt printer
Printer Properties prtprop printer
Make a printer available availprt printer
Make a printer unavailable unavailprt printer
Display printer output for a printer openprt printer
Reply to a message for a printer rpyprt printer
User Jobs usrjob jobname, jobuser, jobnbr, type (2), status (6), jobq
Run command runcmd
Table Notes®:

  1. outq value must be entered as "library/queue". Example: outq=qusrsys/qezjoblog

  2. Valid types for the user jobs list are: A (Autostart), B (Batch), I (Interactive), M (Subsystem), R (Reader), S (System), W (Writer), X (SCPF System), and * (All)

  3. *current, *all, or up to 20 individual users separated by commas

  4. an individual printer name, or a wild card (name*)

  5. crtdate format is YYYYMMDD and the crttime format is HHMMSS.

  6. Valid values for the "status" parameter for task=usrjob are: *ALL, *ACTIVE, *JOBQ, *OUTQ

  7. Valid values for the "status" parameter for task=prtout are:

  8. Valid values for the “created” parameter are *ALL, and *SPECIFIC. If *SPECIFIC is specified, the from/to date and times are retrieved. Fromdate and todate format is YYYYMMDD. Fromtime and totime format is HHMMSS.

    • MSGW Message waiting

    • HLD Held

    • CLO Not ready

    • DFR Deferred

    • SND Sending

    • OPN Being created

    • RDY Ready to print

    • PND Preparing to print

    • WTR Sending to printer

    • PRT Sent to printer

    • FIN Finished printing

    • SAV Printed and kept

    • *ALL All


To view printer output contents on the web, you will need to download the IBM® AFP™ Viewer browser plug-in to your PC. The AFP Viewer plug-in lets you view AFP and SCS output from your web browser. You can download this plug-in by going to the following web site:

Work Management
Name of task Task ID (task=xxxx) Additional Parameters
Active Jobs actjob jobname, jobuser, jobnbr, curuser, subsystem, type (1)
Server Jobs svrjob jobname, jobuser, jobnbr, status (3), curuser
Delete a job dltjob job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Job Properties jobprop job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display job log for a job joblog job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display locked objects for a job lockobj job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display call stack for a job callstack job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display open files for a job openfiles job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display library list for a job liblist job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display performance statistics for a job perfstats job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Display threads for a job threads job
Hold a job hldjob job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Release a job rlsjob job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Move a job movjob job job=jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Work with a job wrkjob job jobNbr/jobUser/jobName
Active Subsystems sbs
Active Job Queues actjobq
All Job Queues alljobq jobq (2)
Hold a job queue hldjobq jobq
Release a job queue rlsjobq jobq
Clear a job queue clrjobq jobq
Output Queues outq outq (4)
Hold an output queue hldoutq outq (5)
Release an output queue rlsoutq outq (5)
Clear an output queue clroutq outq (5)
Active Memory Pools actpool
Shared Memory Pools shrpool
System Status syssts
Table Notes:

  1. Valid types for the active jobs list are: A (Autostart), B (Batch), C (Communications), I (Interactive), P (Prestart), M (Subsystem), R (Reader), S (System), W (Writer), and * (All)

  2. jobq value must be entered as "library/queue". Example: jobq=tlk/tlkjobq, jobq=*all/t*

  3. Valid values for the "status" parameter are: *ALL, *ACTIVE, *OUTQ

  4. outq value for the "outq" task must be entered as "library/queue". Example: outq=qusrsys/qezjoblog. Also, a wildcard value can be entered for the queue name. Example: outq=*ALL/s* to show all output queues that start with the letter "s".

  5. outq value must be entered as "library/queue". Example: outq=qusrsys/qezjoblog

Configuration and Service
Name of task Task ID (task=xxxx) Additional Parameters
System Values sysval
History Log dsplog strdate, strtime, enddate, endtime, jobs, msgids (1)
Disk Status dsksts
Time Management timemgmt
Change Password chgpwd
Table Notes:

  1. sample parameter values for dsplog task:

    • strdate=*BEGIN, strdate=*CURRENT, strdate=20040525

    • strtime=*AVAIL, strtime=100000, strtime=153000

    • enddate=*END, strdate=*CURRENT, strdate=20040525

    • endtime=*AVAIL, endtime=100000, endtime=153000

    • jobs=*ALL, jobs=QPADEV0006, jobs=QPADEV0006,QPADEV0004

    • jobs=TLK/QDFTJOBD, jobs=145678/TLK/QDFTJOBD

    • jobs=145678/TLK/QPDFTJOBD,222555/TLK/QPADEV0007

    • msgids=*ALL, msgids=CPF3345, msgids=CPF1124, CPF1164

strdate format is YYYYMMDD and the strtime format is HHMMSS

enddate format is YYYYMMDD and the endtime format is HHMMSS

Name of task Task ID (task=xxxx) Additional Parameters
TCP/IP Servers tcpsvr
Universal Connection Wizard ucw

Name of task Task ID (task=xxxx) Additional Parameters
Database: Work with all objects in a schema db.allobj dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with aliases in a schema db.alias dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with constraints in a schema db.cst dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with distinct types in a schema db.typ dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with functions in a schema db.func dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with indexes in a schema db.idx dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with journals in a schema db.jrn dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with journal receivers in a schema db.jrnrcv dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with SQL procedures in a schema db.proc dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with sequences in a schema db.seq dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with SQL packages in a schema db.pkg dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with tables in a schema db.tbl dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with triggers in a schema db.trg dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Work with views in a schema db.view dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Create alias db.crtalias dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Create distinct type db.crttyp dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Create index db.crtidx dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Create schema db.crtschema dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Create sequence db.crtseq dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Create table db.crttbl dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Database: Select which schemas to work with db.selschema dbname=database name, schema=schema name
Work with all partitions in a table db.tblpart
Work with schemas in user list db.schema
Work with a list of Databases on the system db.database
Work with all indexes for a table db.tblidx
Work with a list of the system performance monitors db.perfmon
Create a new performance monitor db.crtmon
Import data onto the system db.import
Export data from the system db.export
Work with a list of the objects that have an index advised db.idxadv


Parent topic:

iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web concepts

Related concepts
Working with iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web Working with iSeries Navigator lists on the Web