iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web


Perform a subset of iSeries™ Navigator tasks through an Internet Web browser. The interface may look slightly different, but the tasks you can perform are the same.

The following iSeries Navigator functions are available to work with on the Web:

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To view printer output contents on the web, you will need to download the IBM® AFP™ Viewer browser plug-in to your PC. The AFP Viewer plug-in lets you view AFP and SCS output from your web browser. You can download this plug-in by going to the following web site:

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See the following topic, iSeries Navigator Tasks Available on the Web, to jump to a list of tasks you can perform on the Web.

After you start the HTTP server Administration instance on your system, all you need is a Web browser that can connect to your System i™ model, and you can begin working with iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web. You can gain access to iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web from the System i Tasks page by visiting the following URL from a Web browser where hostA is your System i name:

After you connect to iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web, you can add the Web address of any available iSeries Navigator function you want to regularly view and work with to your Web browser's list of favorite Web pages. Then, you can access these iSeries Navigator tasks like you access any of your favorite or bookmarked Web pages.

This information is intended to help you start using iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web by providing tips on how to set up and configure your system to run securely, and by giving you an overview of the functions available.