Managing QoS
You can use these procedures to manage existing quality of service (QoS) properties and policies.
These topics tell you where to find actual tasks for editing, enabling, viewing, and using other policy management techniques.
There is also an explanation of how to use the QoS monitor and the data collection function to help analyze your IP traffic through the system.
- Accessing QoS help in iSeries Navigator
You can use iSeries™ Navigator to access the quality of service (QoS) help.
- Backing up QoS policies
You should back up your quality of service (QoS) policies to eliminate the need to re-create your policies in the event of a system outage or power loss.
- Copying an existing policy
Rather than creating all of your policies from the beginning, you can make copies of the original policy and then edit the sections of the policy that differ from the original policy.
- Editing QoS policies
As your needs change, edit your policies to ensure that you are still receiving the appropriate performance.
- Monitoring QoS
You can use the quality of service (QoS) monitor to analyze your IP traffic through the system.
Parent topic:
Quality of service
Related concepts
Configuring QoS