You should back up your quality of service (QoS) policies to eliminate the need to re-create your policies in the event of a system outage or power loss.
Your policies can be stored locally or exported to a directory server. You must specifically back up the following integrated file system directory: QIBM/UserData/OS400/QOS/ETC, QIBM/UserData/OS400/QOS/TEMP, and QIBM/UserData/OS400/QOS/USR. You must also back up your directory server publishing agent for the QoS server. The publishing agent contains the directory server name, the distinguished name (DN) for the QoS server, port used to access the directory server, and authentication information. In the event of a loss, your backups can save you the time and work it takes to re-create your policies from scratch. These are general tips you can use to ensure that you have an easy way to replace lost files:
Your system copies information to the system disk, not to a diskette. The rules files are in QIBM/UserData/OS400/QOS/ETC as well as within the distinguished name in the directory server you configured, not on a PC. You might want to use a disk protection method as a backup means for protecting the data that is stored on the system disk.
When using a System i™ product, plan a backup and recovery strategy.