After you plan for quality of service (QoS), you create your QoS policies using wizards within iSeries™ Navigator. This topic describes how to create differentiated service policies, integrated service policies, and inbound admission policies.
The wizards do an excellent job of leading your through the configuration.
After you configure your policies, you can use the configuration objects in iSeries Navigator to edit your policy configuration. The configuration objects are the different pieces or parts that make up a policy. When you open quality of service in iSeries Navigator, there are folders labeled clients, applications, schedules, policies, classes of service, per-hop behaviors, and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). These objects allow you to create a policy. For more detailed information about the objects, you can see the Quality of service overview help in iSeries Navigator.
Before your policies can take effect, they must be enabled. If you use the wizards, the system automatically enables the policies for you. However, if you change a policy that is using the configuration objects, you need to dynamically update the system before the policies become active. Before you enable them, be sure to look for overlapping policies that might cause problems.
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Planning for QoS iSeries Navigator