Recovery details
Here is the additional information about the console recovery function.
- The recovery of the console using a device with the same console connectivity is directly tied to the take over option. If you do not want take over capability but do want recovery from loss of the console, still enable the take over option.
- Console recovery utilizes the take over function. Recovery can be from the same device or another device of the same connectivity. For example, if you are using Operations Console LAN and have multiple PCs set up to be the console and the existing console fails you can use the take over function from the same PC, after correcting the reason for the failure, or from another PC. Regardless of what the former console was doing, the new console will be in the same job, at the same step, as the original console would have been. The job continues even though the console was not operational. Using a directly attached console to recover a loss of a LAN-connected console doesn't fit this scenario
- The recoverability of the console using a different console connectivity provides additional options for the user. If you have a backup console plan that involves the need for a change in the console type, consider the following:
- For ease of adapting recovery, you can place all console supporting adapters for use by the same IOP. This reduces the number of steps necessary to accomplish a recovery.
- The console type change can be immediate depending on the method used to make the change. Examples would be:
- Using DST or SST to change the console type would allow the console to change only at the next IPL. Following this action with a force DST (function 21) using the control panel or LPAR menu may not always work either.
- Changing tags in the LPAR environment will also require an IPL to cause a change of the console.
- However, using the console service functions (65+21), forces the system to do this search and activates the appropriate hardware and tasks immediately.
- Supporting hardware for each console type you want to use for recovery must be available at the time of recovery. For example, if you want a local console directly attached to be able to recover a local console on a network, both adapter cards must be located in their respective locations or be properly tagged for logical partitions. For this to be completed, you also need to change the console type, either using an available menu or using the console service functions (65+21).
In order to accomplish a recovery using a different console type, set the new console type before attempting the takeover. This means that either the supporting hardware must already be available, including any logical partition tagging, or you have to move supporting hardware, physically or logically, before attempting the recovery. Then, you will have to use one of the methods to change the console type to the desired setting. You can use an existing workstation and SST, if available, the native macro, or the console service functions (65+21).
- In V5R4, a D-mode IPL with the take over function, one console device taking over for another, is supported.
If you change the console mode value during a D-mode IPL, for example using 65+21, you should be able to connect another device as long as the new console type has supporting hardware and a device.
Parent topic:
Takeover or recovery of an Operations Console connection
Related reference
Takeover details
Using the console service functions (65+21)