Using the console service functions (65+21)


Console service functions (65+21) are the emergency console recovery functions.

This function-set should be used only in circumstances where an unexpected console failure has occurred and there are no other workstations available for recovery or debugging. Improper use may result in the inability to use the intended console. Any hardware allocations or configurations will have to be accomplished before using the console service functions (65+21). For example, if you are using a shared IOP in an LPAR environment you can deallocate and allocate the resource from one partition to another, if your hardware supports this method.

The console service functions (65+21) are standard control panel functions. They can be entered at the physical control panel, any of the remote control panel connectivity types providing a graphical user interface in Operations Console or using the LPAR menus on a primary partition. Since the first function is a 65, which is the deactivation of the communications line used by the local console directly attached, you may see the status of a connection using a serial cable go to Connecting console.

To use these functions, the system must be far enough through the IPL for the code to run properly. If a console device is available, you should use that console to perform any console service functions, if possible. If a console device is not available, then perform these functions only after a failing system reference code (SRC) has been displayed. This SRC typically is A6005008.

The following functions are available using the console service functions (65+21):

The following is an overview of how this function works:

If your system is not in manual mode, and the extended functions are not activated, or both, follow these steps:

  1. If your system uses a keystick, insert it in the key slot.

  2. Place the system into manual mode by using the system's control panel.

  3. Using Up and Down, select function 25. Press Enter.

  4. Use Up to select function 26. Press Enter.

A function 65 is performed from one of the input methods. You have approximately 45 seconds to enter a function 21 for the system to pair the two functions together. If not, the function 21 is a force of DST to the console. Depending on the state of the current IPL you may or may not see a change at the console, assuming the console is still present after the 65. If the 65 and 21 are entered in less than 45 seconds, a system reference code (SRC) of A6nn500A should appear on the control panel. The value of nn is dependent upon the console type currently being used, 01 thru 03. Repeating the 65 and 21 puts the system into an edit mode in which you can make a change or cause an action to be performed. After the second 65+21 pair is entered, the control panel will respond with the SRC of A6nn500B to indicate you are in edit mode. Each repeated 65+21 within edit mode will increment nn of the SRC until you reach the value representing what action you intend to perform. At this time, you enter just a single 21, which will cause the selected function to be performed. The SRC should then become A6nn500C to indicate the function was successfully submitted. If at any time you exceed 45 seconds between the 65 and 21 or between succeeding 21s, SRC A6nn500D may be presented indicating a timeout condition and the system is no longer in edit mode. If you were intending to make a change, you will need to restart the operations. This SRC will be reset in approximately 3 minutes. You can quit the edit mode by using function 66. The function 66 does not have to complete successfully.

The following codes will allow you to track your progress:

A6nn 500x

Where nn means:

00 = No console defined
01 = Twinax console
02 = Direct attached Operations Console
03 = LAN Operations Console
C3 = Clear LAN configuration
A3 = Deactivate followed by an activate of the LAN Operations Console adapter
DD = Dump all console related flight recorder into a set of vlogs Notes:

  1. Selecting 02 will automatically activate the asynchronous communications adapter used for Operations Console direct attached.

  2. Selecting 03 may also require a function A3 to activate the LAN adapter in rare cases. Also, if a LAN connected console is connected, the emulator may go to a Disconnected state. If so, you can start it again by clicking Communication and selecting Connect.

Where x means:

A6nn 500A

You are displaying the current console type setting.

A6nn 500B

You did a second 65+21 pair so you are in edit mode.

A6nn 500C

You executed a second 21 to cause an action, such as setting the console to another value.

A6nn 500D

You waited too long after entering edit mode to cause an action so you will have to enter edit mode again if you intended to make a change. A 21 at this time will force the console to DST, not cause an action.
If you do not want to make a change after entering edit mode you can wait 3 minutes and this completion code should show up indicating a change is no longer pending or you do a function 66 to cancel any pending changes and exit.

You have 45 seconds between a 65 and the 21 to start display mode or edit mode changes. If the time between these codes exceeds this limit the 21 will become a force DST console request.

An example of a console change would be:

The console type is 01 (twinaxial) and you want to use LAN (03).

65 - 21 = A601 500A  You are in display mode and the console type is 01
65 - 21 = A602 500B  You entered edit mode and incremented the counter
65 - 21 = A603 500B  You incremented the counter again
       21 = A603 500C  You invoked the action (set the console type to 03)

If the LAN adapter already had a valid configuration, for example you previously configured the LAN adapter for use with the service tool server, then you would be ready to create a local console on a network configuration on the client, if one didn't already exist. You could then turn off the twinaxial device and connect the Operations Console LAN configuration.

To reset the console without changing the console type value, you can do a 65 - 21 - 21. The system should respond with A6nn500A after the first 21 and A6nn500C after the second 21. This causes the connection to the console to be dropped during the reset process. It is suggested that this function not be used when you already have a working console. This function does not correct all errors associated with a console failure, but rather resets the hardware associated with the configured console connection.


Parent topic:

Common tasks


Related reference

Preparation for your network environment