Takeover details
Here is the additional information about the console takeover function.
- This function must be enabled if you want to take over the console or be protected from the loss of the console using the recovery function.
- The option Allow console recovery and console can be taken over by another console is enabled on the Select Console window in DST or SST.
- This function does not include support for twinaxial consoles. Only Operations Console workstations, which use 5250 emulation, can use this function.
- Since there can be only one Operations Console directly attached device, the takeover function cannot be used. However, any 5250 emulation-based console device can be used to recover a loss of the console by changing the console type. This may require a reallocation of hardware to support the new console type.
- The DST user ID used to sign on at an eligible device must also have the user privilege of take over console, a new feature for V5R4.
- Only devices with the same attributes (for example: 24x80 or 27x132) can perform a take over. For example, if device LAN1 is running in 24x80 mode and LAN2 is running in 27x132 mode, and LAN1 is the console, LAN2 will see NO in the Take over the console field.
- Data on the Console Information Status screen does not change. Currently, there is no method to automatically refresh the data. You can manually cause a refresh of all fields except the Take over the console field by pressing Enter. The user would have to exit this screen and sign on again to see a change to that field.
- Beginning in this release, takeover is supported in a D-mode IPL. Two devices can be connected, with data, at the same time during a D-mode IPL.
- Console type respectability is still honored when take over is enabled. However, each console-capable workstation will present either a DST signon or the Console Information Status window. If the console type is set to LAN, for example, a local console directly attached, if connected, will present the Console Information Status window without displaying the DST signon window but the Take over the console field will show NO to indicate it cannot take over the existing console. However, it could be used for a recovery action.
Parent topic:
Takeover or recovery of an Operations Console connection
Related reference
Recovery details