File Transfer Protocol server subcommands


These subcommands represent communication between the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client and the FTP server. This topic includes descriptions for i5/OS® CL-equivalent subcommands that are unique to the i5/OS FTP server.

The FTP client communicates with the server using server subcommands. This topic provides the server subcommands, descriptions of what they do, their syntax conventions, and FTP reply status messages.

i5/OS FTP server uses the subcommands listed in the following table.

Subcommand What It Does
ABOR Cancels the Previous Subcommand
ADDM Adds a Member to a Physical File
ADDV Adds a Member to a Variable-Length Member to a Physical File
APPE Appends Data to a Specified File
AUTH Defines the authentication mechanism used for the current FTP session.
CCC (Clear Command Channel) Changes the transmission mode in a control connection from the encrypted mode to the clear text mode
CDUP Changes Directory to the Parent Directory
CRTL Creates a Library
CRTP Creates a Physical File
CRTS Creates a Source Physical File
CWD Changes the Working Directory or Library
DBUG Starts or Ends a Server Trace
DELE Deletes a File, a Member, or a Document
DLTF Deletes a File
DLTL Deletes a Library
HELP Gets Information about FTP Server Subcommands
LIST Lists Files or Directory Entries
MKD Makes a Directory
MODE Specifies a Format for Data Transmission
NLST Lists the Names of Files or Directories
NOOP Checks if Server is Responding
PASS Sends a Password to the Server
PASV Tells the Server to Passively Open the Next Data Connection
PBSZ Defines the largest buffer protection buffer size to be used for application-level encoded data sent or received on the data connection.
PORT Identifies the Data Port on which the Client Will Listen for a Connection
PROT Defines the protection used for FTP data connections
PWD Displays the Current Working Directory
QUIT Logs Off the User; Closes the Connection
RCMD Sends a CL Command to an FTP Server
REIN Re-starts a Session on a Server
RETR Retrieves Data from a Server
RMD Removes a Directory
RNFR Specifies a File to be Renamed
RNTO Specifies a New File Name
SITE Sends Information for a Server to Use
STAT Gets Status Information from a Server
STOR Saves Data on a Server and Replaces an Existing File
STOU Saves Data on a Server But Does Not Replace an Existing File
STRU Specifies the Structure of a File
SYST Prints the Name of the OS on the Server
TIME Sets the Time-Out Value for the FTP Server
TYPE Specifies the File Transfer Type
USER Sends a User Logon ID to the Server
XCUP Changes to the Parent Directory
XCWD Changes to the Working Directory
XMKD Creates a Directory
XPWD Displays the Current Directory or Library
XRMD Removes a Directory


Subcommands unique to i5/OS FTP server

i5/OS FTP server subcommands include a special set of commands that are abbreviated names of equivalent but longer i5/OS control language (CL) commands.

The names of these special server subcommands must be 4 characters in length to comply with the FTP limits. When the FTP server receives these subcommands, the name are interpreted in this way:

In addition to these specific subcommands, you can use the FTP server subcommand RCMD to send any CL command to the FTP server.


Parent topic:

File Transfer Protocol reference information