Configuring iSeries NetServer on i5/OS


You can use iSeries™ NetServer™ to make the iSeries Access for Windows® install image on i5/OS® available to PC users.

Configure iSeries NetServer on your System i™ platform to let users install iSeries Access for Windows from your System i platform.

iSeries Access for Windows uses the network drive or network printer capabilities provided by iSeries Support for Windows Network Neighborhood (iSeries NetServer). By relying on iSeries NetServer, iSeries Access for Windows is able to take advantage of the file and print sharing capabilities integrated into Microsoft® Windows operating systems.


  1. iSeries NetServer allows a Kerberos ticket for user authentication. Kerberos is a third-party authentication mechanism where the client proves its identity to a Kerberos server (or Key Distribution Center), and then receives a ticket in return. The client can then use that ticket to cryptographically prove its identity to other systems on the network. The Kerberos ticket is used to authenticate a user to a system rather than passing user ID and password as the authentication data. Microsoft has added Kerberos authentication abilities to Windows 2000 and Windows XP clients.

    For more information about Kerberos tickets, see Network authentication service protocols.

  2. For information about domain logon support from iSeries NetServer, see iSeries NetServer domain logon support.

PCs can access and benefit from iSeries NetServer without additional software. However, if you need to administer iSeries NetServer properties from your PC client, install the Network feature of the iSeries Navigator function in iSeries Access for Windows.

To configure iSeries NetServer file and print sharing capabilities, see these instructions:

Additional configuration instructions are available at Getting started with iSeries NetServer.

Configure iSeries NetServer

The following System i configuration is necessary if users in your network will be using file and print sharing.

To configure your System i platform for iSeries NetServer support with iSeries Navigator, do the following:

  1. Use the iSeries NetServer wizard. To open the wizard, follow these steps:

    1. Open a connection to iSeries Navigator on your System i platform.

    2. Expand Network.

    3. Expand Servers.

    4. Click on TCP/IP.

    5. Right-click iSeries NetServer and click on Configuration.

  2. Follow the prompts provided by the wizard.

    For additional information about iSeries NetServer configuration, see iSeries NetServer.

  3. For easier management and resolution of TCP/IP addresses, add an entry for the iSeries NetServer to a Domain Name Server (DNS).

    Configuration instructions are located in the iSeries Navigator online help and Configuring and connecting your PC client.

  4. Changes made to your iSeries NetServer properties do not take effect until the next time iSeries NetServer is started. To start or stop iSeries NetServer:

    1. Open a connection to iSeries Navigator on your System i platform.

    2. Expand Network.

    3. Expand Servers.

    4. Click on TCP/IP.

    5. Right-click iSeries NetServer and click on Start or Stop.


Parent topic:

Setting up the system for iSeries Access for Windows