Configuring TCP/IP on i5/OS platform


TCP/IP must be configured appropriately, depending on how you will connect the PC to the System i™ platform.

TCP/IP is a licensed program that is shipped with i5/OS®. This information assumes that you have TCP/IP installed on your System i platform. You can find the procedure for installing TCP/IP (5722-TC1) on your system in Installing additional licensed programs.

If you have TCP/IP already set up on your system, then you do not need to perform any additional TCP/IP configuration for iSeries™ Access for Windows®.

VPN is an option for secure remote connections. For System i VPN information, see Virtual private networking.


Configure TCP/IP for LAN use

If you plan on using iSeries Access for Windows over a LAN, then configure TCP/IP for LAN use. For information about configuring TCP/IP on your System i platform, see TCP/IP Setup.


Configure TCP/IP for PPP or SLIP connections

If you are using SLIP or PPP to connect the PC to the System i platform, see the topic about PPP connections for information about configuring point-to-point TCP/IP.


Parent topic:

Setting up the system for iSeries Access for Windows