Resource Interval Report - Local Work Station Response Times


The Local work station response times section of the Resource interval report provides the information for each data collection interval.

This information includes:

The values for the response time intervals may vary depending on the values that you use.



                                                      Resource Interval Report                                    10/03/03 12:42:33                                                   Local Work Station Response Times                                        Page 132                                                Perf data from 14:00 to 16:00 at 1 min  Member  . . . : Q275140000 Model/Serial  . : 890/10-3907F        
Main storage  . . : 56.4 GB   Started . . . : 10/02/03 14:00:00    Library . . : PTLIBV5R3  System name . . : ABSYSTEM            
Version/Release . :   5/3.0   Stopped . . . : 10/02/03 16:00:00  Partition ID  : 003        Feature Code  . : 7427-2498-7427 IOP Name/           Work Station   Itv              Active                                                                   Rsp  (Model)            Controller     End      Util    Wrk Stn     0.0-  .0      .0-  .0      .0-  .0      .0-  .0     >  .0    Time -----------------   ------------  -----     -----   -------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    -------  ------
                                                               ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    -------   ------
 Total Responses:                                                  
   0            0            0            0          0     .00  IOP Name/               -- Input/Output processor resource name and  (Model)                    model number of the attached device  Work Station Controller -- Work station controller description name  Itv End                 -- Interval end time (hour and minute)
 Util                    -- Percentage of utilization for each IOP  Active Wrk Stn          -- Number of work stations with activity   0.0-  .0               -- Number of response times between  0.0 and   .0 seconds    .0-  .0               -- Number of response times between   .0 and   .0 seconds    .0-  .0               -- Number of response times between   .0 and   .0 seconds    .0-  .0               -- Number of response times between   .0 and   .0 seconds     >  .0                -- Number of response times >   .0 seconds  Rsp Time                -- Average external response time (in seconds) for                             work stations on this controller 


Parent topic:

Example: Resource Interval Report
Related reference
Performance Report header Performance Report columns