The Remote Work Stations section of the component report shows the range of response times for each device on the displayed controllers and the average response time for each device. The values for the response times may vary depending on the values you use.
This section appears only if 5494 remote work station data is included in the data collection. Collection Services does not generate data for remote work stations (file QAPMRWS). This section applies only to performance data generated by the Start Performance Monitor (STRPFRMON) command prior to V5R1 and converted in V5R1 with the Convert Performance Data (CVTPFRDTA) command.
Component Report 9/24/98 7:38:05 Remote Work Stations - Response Time Buckets Page 18 Sample Component Report Member . . . : TEST20 Model/Serial . : 500-2142/10-317CD Main storage . . : 128.0 M Started . . . . : 09/19/98 16:47:34 Library . . : RWSDATA System name . . :ABSYSTEM Version/Release : 4/ 2.0 Stopped . . . . : 09/19/98 17:12:36 Ctl/Device IOP Name --------------- ------------ ABSYSTEM CC02 0- 1.0 1.0- 2.0 2.0- 4.0 4.0- 8.0 > 8.0 Rsp Time ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ -------- RCH5DSP07 845 0 0 0 0 .02 Total Responses 845 0 0 0 0 .02 Ctl -- Controller identifier Device -- Device identifier IOP Name -- Input/Output processor resource name 0- 1.0 -- Number of response times in this range 1.0- 2.0 -- Number of response times in this range 2.0- 4.0 -- Number of response times in this range 4.0- 8.0 -- Number of response times in this range > 8.0 -- Number of response times in this range Rsp time -- Average external response time (in seconds) for this workstation(s)