Component Report - Component Interval Activity - all jobs


The Component Interval Activity - all jobs section of the Component Report shows the use of the processing unit, disks, and pools at various time intervals.

Changes to this section of the Component Report include:



                                                          Component Report                                        062304    1:2                                                  Component Interval Activity – all jobs                                    Page 
                                                      Capped at 5 Min interval                                                 
Member  . . . : Q051134916 Model/Serial  . : 840/10-3XHRM        Main storage . . : 6000.0  MB Started . . . . :  02/20/04 13:4   Library . . : CAPPED     System name . . :RCHASPEZ             Version/Release  :    5/ 3.0  Stopped . . . . :  02/20/04 14:5 Partition ID  : 001        Feature Code  . :26D6-2461-1546       Int Threshold  . :  70.10 %                                   
Virtual Processors:   9    Processor Units :   3.0                                                                             
                                                     Int   Int   DB    ----- Disk I/O ------      High         Pool        Excp  Itv      Tns      Rsp      DDM    -CPU Utilization- Feat  CPU   Cpb   ----- Per Second ---- -Utilization- -Faults/Sec-     per  End     /Hour    /Tns      I/O    Total Inter Batch Util  >Thld Util     Sync      Async    Disk     Unit Mch User  ID   Secon ----- ----------- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ----     ---- --- ----  -- -------
13:55           0   .00          0   1.3    .0   1.3    .0     0    .0       16.9        6.5    1     0047   1    3  02       4 14:00           0   .00          0   1.2    .0   1.2    .0     0    .0        4.6        3.3    1     0032   0    1  02       3 14:05          95   .12          0   1.2    .0   1.2    .0     0    .0        4.7        2.5    1     0003   0    0  02       3 14:10           0   .00          0   1.2    .0   1.2    .0     0    .0        3.5        1.4    1     0059   0    0  02       3 
Itv End                 --  Interval end time (hour and minute)                                                              
Tns /Hour               --  Number of interactive transactions per hour                                                      
Rsp /Tns                --  Average interactive transaction response time in seconds                                         
DDM I/O                 --  Number of logical DB I/O operations for DDM server jobs                                          
Total CPU Utilization   --  Percentage of available CPU time used by interactive and batch jobs. This is the average         
                            of all processors                                                                                
Inter CPU Utilization   --  Percentage of available CPU time used by interactive jobs.  This is the average of all processors Batch CPU Utilization   --  Percentage of available CPU time used by batch jobs. This is the average of all processors       
Int Feat Util           --  Percentage of interactive feature used by all jobs                                               
Int CPU >Thld           --  Interactive CPU time (in seconds) over threshold                                                 
DB Cpb Util             --  Percentage of database capability used to perform database processing                            
Sync Disk I/O Per Sec   --  Average synchronous disk I/O operations per second                                               
Async Disk I/O Per Sec  --  Average asynchronous disk I/O operations per second                                              
High Disk Utilization   --  Percent of utilization of the most utilized disk arm during this interval                        
High Utilization Unit   --  Disk arm which had the most utilization during this interval                                     
Mch Pool Faults/Sec     --  Average number of machine pool faults per second                                                 
User Pool Faults/Sec    --  Average number of user pool page faults per second,                                              
                            for the user pool with highest fault rate during this interval                                   
Pool ID                 --  User pool that had the highest page fault rate Excp per second         --  Number of program exceptions that occurred per second


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Example: Component Report
Related reference
Performance Report columns Performance Report header