System Report - Disk Utilization


The Disk Utilization section of the System Report shows the utilization for each disk.

Changes to this section of the System Report include:



                                                           System Report                     8/29/05 22:05:26                                                            Disk Utilization                         Page 0007  Member  . . . : Q241111929 Model/Serial  . : 595/02-0012A  Main storage . . :  26.0 GB  Started  . . : 08/29/05 11:19:29    Library . . : QMPGDATA   System name . . : RCHAS64B      Version/Release  :   5/ 4.0  Stopped  . . : 08/29/05 12:07:00  Partition ID  : 002        Feature Code  . : 7487-8966     Int Threshold  . : 100.00 % 
 Virtual Processors:  28    Processor Units :  11.0                                                                                 
          Unit              Size  IOP  IOP        Dsk CPU --Percent--  Op Per    K Per    - Average Time Per I/O --                 
   Unit   Name       Type   (M)   Util Name       Util    Full   Util  Second     I/O     Service   Wait   Response                 
   ----   ---------- ---- ------- ---- ---------- ------- ----   ---- -------- ---------  -------  ------  --------                 
  ASP ID/ASP Rsc Name:  1/                                                                                                          
   0001   DD084      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.4     6.44      11.2    .0021   .0003     .0024                 
   0002   DD085      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.6     5.79      10.5    .0027   .0003     .0030                 
   0003   DD106      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.2     6.49       9.9    .0018   .0001     .0019                 
   0004   DD089      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.4     6.17      11.3    .0022   .0002     .0024                 
   0005   DD074      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2     .9     7.22       9.4    .0012   .0001     .0013                 
   0006   DD080      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.3     7.29      10.7    .0017   .0003     .0020                 
   0007   DD099      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.1     4.55      10.7    .0024   .0000     .0024                 
   0008   DD078      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.3    1.3     6.41      10.7    .0020   .0001     .0021                 
   0009   DD093      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.4     5.96      10.8    .0023   .0003     .0026                 
   0010   DD101      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.2     7.61       9.3    .0015   .0002     .0017                 
   0011   DD104      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.6     6.42      11.8    .0024   .0003     .0027                 
   0012   DD087      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.9     7.71      10.6    .0024   .0003     .0027                 
   0013   DD076      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.4     9.81       9.3    .0014   .0000     .0014                 
   0014   DD100      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.0     5.65      10.9    .0017   .0002     .0019                 
   0015   DD097      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    2.0     9.16      11.2    .0021   .0003     .0024                 
   0016   DD094      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.6     6.81      12.1    .0023   .0003     .0026                 
   0017   DD090      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.1     6.17       9.8    .0017   .0002     .0019                 
   0018   DD077      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.3     7.72      10.4    .0016   .0001     .0017                 
   0019   DD096      6718  14,025   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.8     8.89      11.3    .0020   .0002     .0022                 
   0020   DD075      6718  10,519   .1 CMB03           .0 73.2    1.6     8.26      10.2    .0019   .0001     .0020                 
   0024   DD054      6717   8,589   .5 CMB07          4.1 73.2     .7     2.37      11.9    .0029   .0008     .0037                 
   0025   DD003      6717   6,442   .5 CMB07          4.3 74.0     .5     2.21      13.9    .0022   .0004     .0026                 
   0026   DD004      6717   8,589   .5 CMB07          4.3 73.5     .8     5.73      10.0    .0013   .0006     .0019                 
   0027   DD002      6717   6,442   .5 CMB07          4.4 75.0     .4     3.13       8.9    .0012   .0003     .0015                 
   0028   DD103      6717   8,589   .5 CMB07          4.2 73.2    1.0     5.14      10.1    .0019   .0012     .0031                 
   0029   DD020      6718  15,355  1.4 CMB05         10.0 73.2    4.5     9.48      11.2    .0047   .0038     .0085                 

Unit                    --  Disk arm identifier Unit Name               --  Disk arm resource name Type                    --  Type of disk Size (M)                --  Disk space capacity in millions of bytes IOP Util                --  Percentage of utilization for each Input/Output Processor IOP Name                --  Input/Output Processor resource name Dsk CPU Util            --  Percentage of Disk Processor Utilization ASP Rsc Name            --  ASP resource name to which the disk unit was allocated at collection time ASP ID                  --  Auxiliary Storage Pool ID Percent Full            --  Percentage of disk space capacity in use Percent Util            --  Average disk operation utilization (busy)
Op per Second           --  Average number of disk operations per second K Per I/O               --  Average number of kilobytes (1024) transferred per disk operation Average Service Time    --  Average disk service time per I/O operation Average Wait Time       --  Average disk wait time per I/O operation Average Response Time   --  Average disk response time per I/O operation                                                           


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